Introducing the Stage

Tyler Watson
Published in
5 min readJun 3, 2022

In today’s post, we’re excited to finally intro our NFT-based virtual world, which we’re calling the Stage. We’ll discuss our north star of infinite creativity and our view on how community ownership and purpose-driven scarcity complement this vision. The relationship between community-oriented scarcity and unlimited creativity isn’t a question most metaverse platforms have addressed head on. We’re excited to make the case for why both can, and should, live together to propel the concept of the metaverse forward.

Infinite Space for Creativity

The metaverse is a place for infinite possibility and creativity. While creativity “IRL” is constrained by the laws of physics, what’s possible in the metaverse is only limited by our imagination and ability to think differently. This is a liberating concept that we‘re only beginning to comprehend. Our relationship with space and time, our environments, our identities, our perspectives, our sense of control, and our interactions in the metaverse will all break through the confines of real-world mental models, it’s just a matter of time. 🚀

Early Space concept art

There are fun, challenging, and important questions to consider:

  • What kind of new online social experiences might be possible inside shared 3D space?
  • How might they take inspiration from and/or elevate our existing “2D” online lives?
  • How can/should those experiences be different from “IRL” social experiences?
  • How might the design of architecture and environments transform vs. IRL equivalents?
  • What kind of new superpowers will we gain, and how will they change our relationship with our immediate environments and one another?
  • How will the concept of identity change when detached from physical reality?
  • Closely linked, what new forms could fashion and self expression take, when one no longer needs to wear shoes and shirts?
  • What might be different if we can break through our existing mental models and look with fresh eyes?

At Stageverse our goal is to provide a platform for creators to explore these questions and more. We believe in the metaverse as an infinite space for possibility and creativity. We do not believe in the image of the metaverse as a series of monolithic worlds, finite, monotonous grids of similar experiences, all human scale, all sitting under permanent pale blue skies. We believe in expanding our minds and leaving space for more imagination.

In-engine Space concept

Practically speaking, this means that Stageverse will not arbitrarily limit creativity based on concepts like finite “digital land” — anyone will have the freedom to build and share their own immersive reality in Stageverse with un-compromised creative control. You might think of these distinct realities as independent universes or dimensions, each owned by their creator. At Stageverse, we call them Spaces — and anyone can have one.

This is one view of Stageverse; a vibrant “multiverse” of independent Spaces, dimensions, or realities — each unique, immersive, and captivating — each sharing the same basic technical backbone, identity system, and user interface.

While infinite creative opportunity and independence is necessary to realize the opportunity at stake here, we also need to find a way to create common ground as a community, to connect our efforts together through common thread, and build together. Our answer to that is the Stage.

Early Space concept art

Setting the Stage for Community

What is the Stage?

The Stage is our first community-owned world, the focal point of the Stageverse experience, and the centerpiece of our creator community. It’s a place where we can be together and build together; a launchpad from which to discover and explore the infinite creative expanse of Stageverse Spaces.

Welcome to the Stage

While we don’t believe land scarcity should bottleneck creativity on the platform, our aim is that the Stage becomes premium, curated real-estate showcasing the best experiences from the most ambitious creators, artists, brands, entrepreneurs, communities, and individuals in the metaverse.

The Stage Land Sale is our first step towards opening economic participation, rewards, and ownership to the broader community through ownable Land NFTs. It’s a first step towards our vision of the metaverse powered by democratized creativity and ownership.

In the short term, the Stage will be a community of interconnected spaces explorable via a map and in-world portals. Landowners will be able to customize their presence on the map and express their individual identity while taking part in the larger community. Landowners will be able to connect Spaces to their Land for enhanced discoverability, connect with others to form Neighborhoods (more on this soon) and will ultimately participate in and benefit from the economic growth of the wider Stageverse ecosystem.

Early Stage concept art

Gradually, the Stage will evolve into a massively multiplayer open world, owned and built by the community, with each Landowner given full creative control of their Lands and the ability to connect them to Spaces of their choosing, via portals.

The Stage represents a way for the community to build value together, the goal being that the collective experience built on the Stage becomes more valuable than the sum of each individual part, and that this value will be the community’s via collective ownership.

We recognize that there are two critical elements for us to realize the potential of the metaverse together.

  1. Community empowerment, participation, ownership, and reward
  2. Infinite and accessible creation for all

We believe ownership, community, and curation on one hand (the Stage) integrated with accessible and unlimited creativity on the other (Spaces) set a solid foundation upon which the community can realize the potential of the metaverse.

The Stage Land Sale

We’ve been building in silence for multiple years, since long before “the metaverse” was buzzy tech vocab. We’ve been busy developing the core Stageverse platform and consumer experience; launching pilot experiences with premium communities and brands; testing and refining our hypotheses.

With the Land Sale, we’re excited to finally announce ourselves more broadly, open the doors to the web3 community, and begin the next phase of our journey, building and growing together. 🤝

The Stage Land Sale is coming imminently, Summer 2022. We’ll be following up with more details surrounding the sale very soon .

In the meantime, Join us in Discord to stay up-to-date with our latest announcements and follow along on Twitter — cheers!



Tyler Watson

Curiosity! Exploring past, present, and future. Product @ Stageverse; formerly building at SamsungNEXT and BCG Digital Ventures