Stageward: Be anything you want to be

Famous doctor, superhero, lawyer, astronaut or model? Your choice…

Robert Nganga
6 min readSep 10, 2019


Illustrations created by Station 77 for Stageward

Pop Quiz: How many famous doctors can you name off the top of your head? Take your time and don’t Google it! I’m not talking about doctors in history, either. Name a famous doctor from Kenya who has gained international success and recognition. Seriously, take as much time as you need. Nothing against doctors, and if you’re my age you definitely remember that dude who used to come on the TV.

While you’re mulling over that question, let’s talk about how you can become famous without having to become a doctor, lawyer, pilot, headmaster, or follow any other traditional career path if you don’t want to. That’s because the TV and film industry in Kenya is about to explode, and you can become part of the excitement!

Imagine yourself as an actor or a model. It’s a much easier goal to achieve than becoming a doctor or lawyer or [insert whatever your folks wanted you to be here]. Thanks to the increasing number of productions being produced in Kenya as the digital arts grow, there’s also a greater demand for actors, models, and performing talent right across the board. Sounds exciting, doesn’t it?

Sure, you could be a real doctor or lawyer, but it’s going to take a few years before you’re going to have any kind of impact on the people around you. On the other hand, if you get cast as a doctor in a movie or commercial, you’ll have an audience instantly. It’s up to you which one you’d prefer, but when you break it down to supply and demand, acting or modelling should trump the doctor or lawyer thing any day! Now, let’s get serious for a moment…

Why Register at Stageward?

Illustrations created by Station 77 for Stageward

Well, Stageward is the №1 online talent casting platform for young Kenyans who want a fighting chance at becoming something they want to be — famous, and not stuck in a job waiting for that big break to come.

Recognize that Stageward is that ‘something better’ that just came along.

Here are a few reasons why you should head over to Stageward right now:

1. You can’t win without a ticket

You could continue to be a worker drone hoping for something better to come along, or you could recognize that Stageward is that ‘something better’ that just came along. Don’t waste any more time reading this. Get yourself registered and take the first step to fame!

2. It’s the perfect side hustle 😃

Unless you already have a degree in something cool like engineering, becoming a model or actor is going to provide you with financial rewards you may not otherwise see. Plus, as an actor, you get to pretend to be different people all the time and get paid for it. Sounds pretty cool, right?

3. You are going to be successful

You pretty much can’t go wrong here. If you’ve dreamed of a better life and are waiting for your big break, Stageward can help make it happen.

Need even more convincing? Let’s get serious then, and talk business

Illustrations created by Station 77 for Stageward

Stageward is the next step in the development of Kenya’s film industry. By building a far-reaching platform that allows the makers of film and TV shows in Kenya to connect with the infinitely broad range of performing talent that exists right here, Stageward plays a crucial role in developing the next generation in ways the existing industry can’t.

Producers, casting agents and directors looking for talent can post their requirements and get access to a much wider range of talent than previously available. You no longer have to cast solely in Nairobi.

Kenya is brimming with young talent, but it’s not limited to Nairobi — it’s spread right across the nation.

Stageward gives actors and actresses, musicians and the dancers, the opportunity to get in front of the decision-makers in the industry. It’s an opportunity which till now has been largely limited by who you know, and where you live.

Kenya is brimming with young talent, but it’s not limited to Nairobi — it’s spread right across the nation. That’s why Stageward is opening up this space to the full range of talent that exists within the country. How will you take this opportunity to connect with decision-makers and make it work for you?

A platform for aspiring talent

Stageward offers a simple and easy to use way to put yourself forward and give your performing career the boost that it needs. All you have to do is open an account, upload your photos, describe your dream role, list your skills, and browse thousands of jobs and opportunities. Opening an account for performers costs from as little as Kshs. 170 per month, meaning that access to the numerous opportunities available is well within the reach of the vast majority of Kenyans.

Stageward is also full of useful tips and advice for aspiring young talent.

From guides that cover how to take the best headshots, advice on picking a good agent, sample talent contracts, and even interviews with leading figures in the industry. Stageward aims to be so much more than just a marketplace for talent. We’re a resource tool, a learning place, and a networking platform all in one.

A platform for makers, producers, and casting agents

The film industry is beginning to boom, with local productions beginning to receive international recognition, not to mention financial payback, they so richly deserve. Kenya’s TV productions continue to go from strength to strength, be it comedies, soap operas, or even dramas. And the spread of 4G and fall in data prices are opening up new content production opportunities every day.

Stageward offers producers the key ingredient to any successful film: Access to talent.

The best script will fall apart without the best actors. The best director will struggle hard without the best support teams. The best actors will be of no use if the supporting roles are performed by sub-standard talent. For just a small monthly fee, production houses, casting agents and directors, theatre companies, music video directors, event organizers, and more get unlimited access to the widest range of talent available in anywhere in Kenya. That means no more hassle from posting to Facebook in the hope of finding the right talent, at the right time, in the right place. Now you can see the talent of an entire nation with the click of a button.

As an open marketplace, Stageward does not seek to take a share of agents’ commissions or talents’ earnings.

In a few simple steps, your casting call will be out there in front of the best talent in the country. Plus, registering as a recruiter with Stageward gives you access to our full database of potential talent. You can filter your searches by gender, skill set, age, looks, and more, and can even review bios, experience, headshots and sample videos.

As an open marketplace, Stageward does not seek to take a share of agents’ commissions or talents’ earnings. By keeping the monthly access fee low, Stageward seeks to grow the industry and the talent marketplace by giving as many people opportunities as is possible. Our goal is to drive the industry as a whole and benefit from its growth. We know very well that thinking small will not get any of us anywhere, which is why our objective is to play our part in building the most vibrant film and content production industry on the continent. It’s a goal we have no doubt we will achieve collectively, sooner rather than later.

It’s time for Kenya’s film industry to step up. It’s time for Kenya’s performing talent to step up on to the stage and show the world what they are capable of. And it’s time for Kenya’s producers, and directors, casting agents, theatre companies, and event planners to take our industry to the next level.

It’s time for Stageward.

