Staika wallet FAQ

Published in
2 min readDec 20, 2023


Hello! This is Staika team.

Staika team is spinning like a thumbnail! Recently, Staika wallet is synced gazaGO and defenGO. So we got many questions about Staika wallet… Let me give you answers about Staika wallet! We hope so you can find the answer. Here we go!

Can’t transfer STIK to other address

In case, you can NOT transfer STIK.

  1. Over 300,000 won (about 230 USD $) per a day.
  2. Over 10 times transfer per a day.
  3. Don’t have any SOL (it’s a fee)

Especially, you need more SOL than Commission in Staika wallet, incording to Solana network condition.

If you were not in case, you can use your address to other wallet. Follow this way.

  1. Join the other wallet apps.
  2. Tab “Mangage Accounts” in the menu.
  3. Tab “Add / Connect wallet”.
  4. Tab “Import Private Key”.
  5. Write the “Name” whatever you want.
  6. Put-in your Staika wallet’s Private Key Backup phrase to “Private Key”
  7. Tab “Import” and DONE!

Not same to defenGO’s staika address and Staika wallet’s address

When you use same account on Staika wallet and defenGO, you can sync addresses on Staika wallet and defenGO. BUT, use a “Hide My Email” at Apple ID, it is NOT a same your Apple ID account. It makes different address.

Want to re-set to Apple ID sign-in, Follow this way.

  1. Go to “Settings”.
  2. Tab “Profile”.
  3. Tab “Sign-In & Security”.
  4. Tab “Sign In with Apple”.
  5. Tab app you want.
  6. Tab “Stop using Apple ID”
  7. Re-sign in the app, DONE!

STIK transfer doesn’t work.

Transfer STIK on defenGO’s GO wallet, it’s going to work next day all at once. Please excuse it to delay more than 24 hours. If you didn’t receive the STIK, please open the ticket on Staika’s discord server.

Can NOT verify to KYC (phone number)

We know this issue. Please open the ticket on Staika’s discord server, we can solve it. Also, we gonna remove KYC for 100% decentralization.

Thank you for coming on Staika project. Keep it up and keep going! We are here with you. Appreciate again.




Published in STAIKA

Staika is a digital asset-integrated management platform on Solana.


Written by STAIKA

스타이카는 X2E와 사회적 기여활동을 지원하는 액티비티 라이프스타일 서비스 플랫폼입니다. Staika is an activity lifestyle service platform with X2E and social contribution. https://medium.com/staika

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