Dynamic graphs for better understanding

Olly Hunt
Stairway Learning
Published in
2 min readFeb 27, 2019

At Stairway, our approach to teaching Maths builds on concepts step-by-step, making sure that each student understands each step before moving on.

Graphs and geometry are taught step-by-step

We really wanted to use this approach when introducing both graphs and geometry. Using technology, there is so much potential for making these topics interactive, in a way that pen and paper simply can’t achieve. Therefore, we have entered a partnership with Geogebra, who provide us with the ability to embed interactive graphs in our content.

Using Geogebra, we have a built a step-by-step framework for drawing and understanding graphs and geometry. The graphs are fully interactive, and support movement in objects through a range of buttons and sliders. This works together with questions, meaning that users can answer questions and contribute to each step of the process.

We can’t fully replicate (yet!) the experience of pen and paper. However, we have taken steps to help students understand graphs in a new way, by providing an interactive system which users can take control of. This way, we’re able to contribute a different experience than students otherwise have with traditional resources.

Want to find out more, or have any suggestions? Say hello at Stairway Support, or chat to us on our website. We would love to hear from you!

