A Lover’s Guide to the Churches of Paris

Stairwell Lovers
Published in
3 min readSep 26, 2020
Image by Efes Kitap from Pixabay

There’s a little known corner inside an even lesser known church, somewhere in Paris. Only a few lovers know about this church. And even fewer know of its corner. But all who do hold it dear in their hearts.

It is so well enshrined among serious lovers that it is often not available for the purpose it was set up for.

They say nuns have lost their virginity in that corner multiple times. And countless priests have penetrated into its dark angles.

They say God Himself has turned a blind eye to what has gone on in this corner. They even say that he has blessed the corner, ensuring that only one thing happens there: pure love between two lovers — never one, never three or more, and never, ever without consent.

Barring that — no rules, no tradition, only the desire to explore, to give and receive, to find an earthly ecstasy to match only that of heaven’s.

Lovemaking sought out in urgency by two consenting, transgressing individuals.

The corner is built only for the very devout — to fornicate, with God explicitly sanctioning such lust with the promise that he would not look. Not even peek. A godless corner, but blessed.

Image by Comfreak from Pixabay

So it is indeed a corner of many, many secrets — can you imagine? There were, in times past, only 3 scenarios: priests with nuns, priests with priests, and nuns with nuns. And there were endless possibilities — with every position sought out in purity, two angels that start out enclothed in robes, and very quickly, become unclothed and deeply human — seeing, smelling, tasting, hearing, feeling only flesh and sweat for hours.

Lovers today can only try to imitate this same god-loving debauchery. Some succeed and even surpass the priests and nuns of the past. But most fail, and God smiles at their amateur efforts to match the blessed transgressions of the chosen men and women of the cloth.

Today’s corner-lovers hope to make those same screams heard for centuries, and they can only wonder: is it their own screams they hear, or are they hearing only the joy of lovers from the past?

You can now understand why there are so many lovers waiting to find that free moment in a corner blessed by God, to be part of the very essence of humanity in its most desirous and spiritual state. There are very few corners like this in the world. And only a few lovers get lucky enough to find it. And one of them is in Paris, my dear.

