How to Stake TUR with the Turing (OAK) Network — by StakeBaby

Published in
3 min readJun 5, 2022
Turing Staking

So you got some TUR you want to stake as soon as possible to take advantage of the crazy high APY in the early days of a network. Let’s get to it!

Delegate your TUR with a Turing Collator

You will need to have the polkadot.js extension installed on your browser and to add your Turing account to the extension.

Head over to and make sure you have selected the Turing Network. You will know you are on Turing if you see this in the top left corner:

If you don’t see that, then click on whatever network is already chosen on the top left corner, go to KUSAMA & PARACHAINS, locate Turing Network, select it, and click on Switch.

Next, head over to the Developer section from the top menu, and select Extrinsics.

Select your account where you have the TUR you want to stake.

Select parachainStaking, and delegate(candidate, amount, candidateDelegationCount, delegationCount)

For candidate, enter the address of the collator that you want to stake with. You can see a list of collators at Click on the clipboard icon to copy the address.

Our collator is StakeBaby 69b95Z51Pk9jvSJqaqdY1LLPqqb4fYdRvp2EXxbtYrxXkvz1

In amount, enter how many TUR you want to stake and add 10 zeroes after that amount, i.e. 0000000000.

In candidateDelegation count, enter the number you get from for the collator of your choice.

Enter the number in the candidateDelegation field.

In delegation count, enter 0 if this is the first time you are delegating.

Click on Submit Transaction, and sign the transaction with your polkadot.js wallet.

Wait for a few seconds for the transaction to go through. You should see a confirmation message on the top right of your screen. You can also confirm that your staking transaction is completed by going to Subscan and entering your Turing address. You should see a green check mark like this:

Delegating more

You can delegate to multiple collators if you want to. Just make sure you increase the delegation count by 1 every time you delegate to a new collator. If you want to increase your stake with a collator you have already staked with, you will have to execute the delegatorBondMore extrinsic:


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