Planet IX

Ioannis Tsiokos
Published in
10 min readApr 4, 2024
what is planet IX — planet ix

Planet IX, the largest blockchain game on Polygon with over 300,000 players, where you can build, trade, and earn through a play-to-earn Web3 platform powered by the IX token. You can own and trade every asset, like NFTs on your quest to restore the planet’s lush green and blue beauty.

In this article we’re going to look at Planet IX which is promising to be the next Axie Infinity game. Can it be as successful as Axie Infinity which we saw blow up over the past year or so?

What is Planet IX?

Jumping across to the Planet IX website, you can see there’s some pretty cool graphics and stuff that I’m already seeing within this game which looks like something that’s definitely going to appeal to a lot of different people. Exclusive planetary delivery service restores the planet. Planet IX is an NFT based strategy game with a virtual copy of planet earth as your arena.

what is planet IX — planet ix territories

Your goal is to rebuild the planet to its former green and blue glory. You can see looking into the map that you have all of these hexagonal shapes and each of these is like an NFT that you can go and purchase and ultimately, if the game builds to the sort of levels of Axie Infinity or something like that, then your initial investment could absolutely skyrocket.

So there’s various different areas and different things you can do within the game. For example you can collect your PIX NFTs to gain more control of Planet IX’s total landmass and form territory NFTs to unlock further rewards. You can then trade with AoC to lay your hands on those PIX.

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In this game, you would want to expand your collection and develop strategies on your own or join forces with others to build up facilities and restore the beauty of Planet IX. So in terms of the game itself Planet IX is a strategy game where the mission is to explore the world, collect NFTs, trade them on the marketplace, challenge each other in play-to-earn games and reap rewards from various DeFi functionalities.

what is planet IX — play to earn

Now, play-to-earn games have been around for a little bit now over the last couple of years because of things like Gala Gaming etc. A lot of the games haven’t necessarily been that exciting or interesting in terms of gameplay. There’s rewards and stuff like that but it’ll be really cool if there’s a really cool game associated with it, which is fun to play, enjoyable, as well as getting your rewards that go along with it.

The game does not stop there. Your digital footprint in this environment will also create a sustainable real world impact. Perhaps that means giving back to sort of environmental causes, charities etc.

I’m not 100% sure but you can see these are the different types of hexagons and things available. You’ve got cities, you’ve got lots of different things that make up that entire world map and all the different terrains associated with different parts of the world that they are going to be situated in.

what is planet IX — planet ix cities

Now, the cool thing about this game is there’s loads of sort of pack drops aside from trading in their marketplace. Pack drops are the only way of commencing and maintaining your collection every Monday at 12 PM UTC. Picks can be bought in mixed packs containing a rich quantity and variety of different pick tiers types in specific drop zones.

Now, if you think back to when you were younger or maybe depending on how old you are, lots of people used to collect things like Pokemon cards, football stickers or whatever it might be in your own country. Those things were particularly interesting and exciting for kids and adults now because there’s lots of mystery involved with it. You buy a pack while you never know exactly what you’re going to get in there.

You might be lucky and get lots of valuable items or maybe sometimes not so lucky and not get such exciting things and that’s kind of a cool feature about this whole platform that I think is quite unique and interesting.

what is planet IX — claim rewards

They also have their own token which is known as the IX token and it’s the token used by Planet IX. It’s an ERC20 token which simplifies peer-to-peer trading in the game. The token is transacted over the Polygon network ensuring fast and low gas fees for transactions so don’t worry about those insane gas fees that have been going along with Ethereum recently.

There’s also going to be other things like NFT raffles. You can complete in-game challenges in order to receive entry tickets to their special landmark raffles and by being involved in the raffles you can win giveaways, maybe winning NFTs, which you can then use to trade and build up your gameplay and much more.

what is planet IX — planet ix items

NFTs are the lifeblood of Planet IX. Some hold pieces of the story of the game while others allow AoCs to build and develop lands which all have great value and some even pay variable rewards to their owners which is another way that you can make a passive income as the story evolves throughout time.

New NFT collections will be introduced to the game which is pretty cool. In the future there’s going to be something like a billion NFTs released into the game of all sorts of different types which makes it super exciting and interesting.

Now by holding those tokens, not only can you hold tokens but you can stake them into reward pools and then ultimately earn a passive income through that. All you need to do is to just come over to the website and you can buy IXT by connecting your MetaMask which is a very straightforward process.

what is planet IX — ixt token

You can click on stake your IXT and then you will be able to stake your tokens for rewards. Staking allows asset owners to claim their rewards contribution and actively secure the in-game economy. There’s also going to be governance available with that which allows you to have a say in how the community develops, how the game progresses over time, as well as that there’s in-game utility.

By staking Planet IX, you will have four unique asset pillars which fuel the ecosystem and in-game economy: two ERC20 tokens, one ERC721 NFT, and one ERC1155 NFT representing both on-chain and in-game mechanics.

what is planet IX — planet ix market cap

At the moment, in terms of the community, it’s already pretty well established with a big team in Sweden around 100 people so this is already a well-established project but still only maintains a market cap of around 12 million dollars.

Which is not small but ultimately enables them to have significant potential growth if you look at other games, such as Axie Infinity and stuff. They tend to have market caps over sort of a billion dollars so if you think about a game like this, that’s promising to be the next Axie Infinity that goes to a billion dollars.

Planet IX treasury with decentralized governance will also be developed in later stages of the game with 300,000 active users and a steady growth and it was launched back in Q2 2021 so it is now approaching its 3-year birthday.

what is planet IX — planet ix token allocation

The initial four-year allocation of the total supply is as follows:

  • 15,89% or 24,358,228 to community holders made through a Liquidity Raise
  • 19,90% or 30,500,000 to early uses as retroactive airdrop rewards.
  • 17,94% or 27,500,000 to Play 2 Earn rewards, distributed through a combination of win rate, game progress & user decisions points.
  • 15.66% or 24,000,000 as in-game rewards of Staking Pools.
  • 8,35% or 12,800,000 to advisors.
  • 16.70% or 25,600,000 to founders, employees, and consultants of Nibiru Software.
  • 5,55% or 8,500,000 to the Planet IX eco-system.

Planet IX was also selected for the partnership program with Polygon. Polygon is a huge network so it’s highly subscribed and very difficult to get into their partnership program. Planet IX has been recognized as a really high quality game and that has enabled them to partner up with Polygon studios.

If you jump into the actual game itself, it will be a little bit confusing as someone who doesn’t play a huge amount of games but you can see what the kind of map and everything looks like. You’ve got the kind of heat map of areas and you can zoom in and out finding out more detail on the areas that you live in. You can scroll around the world and find out more information about what is available in your area. You can find there the following:

  • Campaign with a prize pool available with 4,000 IXT
  • Marketplace called the Net Empire
  • Various pack drops
  • Lucky cat raffles
  • Space drones and much more.

By clicking on each of these things you can see different details about what they all entail. You can see that there’s different ways in which you can come and purchase these packs. There’s different amounts of units left where you can see when they were released and you can see that by owning different packs, they’re going to contain different things.

what is planet IX — lucky cat shop

They’re going to cost different values but ultimately the different valued ones, which are the higher value ones are probably going to have a higher chance of winning better things to be used in gameplay and much more.

You can zoom down through and see all of the different packs and stuff available of which there’s actually tons of cool items through all of the different packs and stuff they’ve had. You can see that most of them have been sold out so they’re clearly selling out very quickly which is a very good sign for the game.

Make sure you get over and get your hands on these before it’s too late because you never know when a project like this might absolutely explode onto the scene. The game itself is kind of compared to the Monopoly game where it’s basically about holding different key areas and then you can make money by owning those key areas.

what is planet IX — net empire

People will want to get involved and the popular areas in the planet get bought up more quickly. Basically, if lots of people from a particular place are interested in gameplay or lots of people from a particular place are interested in business and stuff, then that’s probably the area that’s going to get bought up first rather than large areas of sorts.

Make sure you go to sort of key cities around the planet and find those key areas because I reckon that’s where you have your best chance of securing some profits. The launch itself was 100% bought out by the community which is ultimately something that is showing great promise because the project is then self-funded.

They have been able to build their large team of around 100 people right now as well as expand the project from all of the initial investment and they’ll continue to grow and use investments to build the platform. Making a truly decentralized unique game based around the NFT.

what is planet IX — planet IX twitter account

Jumping across to their X (formerly Twitter) account you can see they’ve already got over 47,000 followers and I expect that to start growing even more as they invest more and more money into their ecosystem and marketing.


Planet IX is a promising dApp of Polygon. It is a strategy game similar to the concept of Monopoly, where you go and buy different hexagonal parts of land all around the territories which you can then trade and use to complete different tasks and much more.

There’s lots of exciting airdrops and other giveaways and stuff happening over on their X account so go across to their social media and if you head over to the game and start getting involved in the gameplay, then you can start to earn your different assets as well as by staking the IX token you can then earn a passive income.

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Ioannis Tsiokos

I have nothing to say that’s nearly as cool as I am, except maybe… wow, I am dad!