Kusama CC3 KSM Staking Guide — Absolute beginner

Julien Bouteloup
Stake Capital
Published in
4 min readNov 23, 2019


🔥Non technical audience 🔥


If you have any questions, would like to get live (video, email or texts) support or looking to stake other tokens such as Atoms, Tezos, Kava …. please message us on telegram 24/7 🚀:

Also, if you want to run your own validator, please drop us an email at contact@stake.capital or on our Stake Capital Telegram channel.

First thing, let’s setup your KSM wallet:

You will be using polkadot{.js} for accessing your KSM because it’s secure and very friendly. It’s

  1. Make sure you have Chrome polkadot{.js} extension installed and correctly injected on the page. Click right on the Polkadot, go to “This can read and change site data” and modify it to “On All Sites”.
polkadot{.js} extension

2. Verify that you have your KSM on your wallet by right clicking on the little Polkadot icon:



Julien Bouteloup
Stake Capital

Dev, Engineer, Blockchain, PoS, Machine Leaning, Cryptoeconomics & Game theory. http://keybase.io/bneiluj