Stake Capital DAO Powered By Aragon 🦅

Julien Bouteloup
Stake Capital
Published in
6 min readDec 17, 2019


We are delighted to announce that Stake Capital DAO | #StakeDAO, a revenue sharing DAO that will tokenize Stake Capital’s DeFi services is working with Aragon One for building its DAO. Transparency, governance, and security of Stake Capital DAO will be powered by Aragon.

Over the past few months we have been working on the Stake Capital DAO’s legal and technical implementation, also called #StakeDAO. In November, we released our Whitepaper (recap here), outlining the high-level architecture and crypto-economic mechanisms of the StakeDAO.

After meeting and discussing the StakeDAO’s vision with Aragon One CEO, Jorge Izquierdo and Aragon One’s business development team we have decided to move forward by implementing the entire vision on top of the Aragon stack. The StakeDAO is now deployed on Testnet and currently being tested before going Mainnet.

Aragon has become more than just a dApp or tool, it’s a complete operating system for human organizations with many different easily composable…



Julien Bouteloup
Stake Capital

Dev, Engineer, Blockchain, PoS, Machine Leaning, Cryptoeconomics & Game theory.