Jumping on The Graph Mission Control

JK | stakefish
Published in
3 min readSep 15, 2020

I can’t believe it’s only been a little bit over 3 months, but I remember the day in June when DeFi websites started failing to respond. Like many others, I had a mini panic attack. I found out later that the cause was that The Graph was experiencing some issues.

stakefish is building up the infrastructure layer for the blockchain ecosystem. We want to make sure the builders of the decentralized future are able to keep building. Naturally, The Graph was another protocol we were looking to support. However, we had not anticipated that their APIs were already being used heavily by DeFi applications. Yaniv Tal posted a detailed post-mortem following this incident that provided a more accurate picture of the usage The Graph was gaining. We already had plans to run infrastructure for The Graph, but the level of usage they were seeing fortified our views that they were a critical layer for builders.

The Graph team has been carefully conducting background research from early on. They reached out to us in March 2020, approximately half a year in advance, to ask questions and gather information on how to design their incentivized testnet and staking economics. They meticulously sought feedback, which resulted in a highly detailed design for their incentivized testnet, Mission Control.

The Mission Control kickoff call had 100+ participants dialing in. This figure was an understatement of the actual participation rate, as the most recent figure shows that there are 200+ active indexers in Phase 0. You can see who these are on the leaderboard for Mission Control. While it was unsurprising to see many of our respected validator peers on this list, it was nice to see other application teams and independent participants as well.

It’s now the moment of truth as Mission Control proceeds into Phase 1. Indexer infrastructure is finally coming into play, and basic staking actions will be conducted. Actions required from participants will become increasingly complex, stress testing what The Graph team has been building to date.

We are excited to see what the future Phases of Mission Control hold and look forward to mainnet launch, powering more decentralized applications through The Graph.

About The Graph

The Graph is the indexing and query layer of the decentralized web. Developers build and publish open APIs, called subgraphs, that applications can query using GraphQL. There is a hosted service in production that makes it simple for developers to start building on The Graph, and the decentralized network will be launching later this year. The Graph currently supports indexing data from Ethereum, IPFS, and PoA with more networks coming soon. To date, over 2,300 subgraphs have been deployed by thousands of developers for applications, such as Uniswap, Synthetix, Aragon, Gnosis, Balancer, Livepeer, DAOstack, AAVE, Decentraland, and many others.

If you are a developer building an application or Web3 application, you can use subgraphs for indexing and querying data from blockchains. The Graph allows applications to efficiently and performantly present data in a UI and allows other developers to use your subgraph too! You can deploy a subgraph or query existing subgraphs that are in the Graph Explorer. Join our community by introducing yourself in our Discord for technical discussions, join our Telegram chat, or follow us on Twitter! Our developers are always eager to chat with you, and The Graph ecosystem has a growing community of developers who support each other.

About stakefish

stakefish is the leading validator for Proof of Stake blockchains. With support for 10+ networks, our mission is to secure and contribute to this exciting new ecosystem while enabling our users to stake with confidence. Because our nodes and our team are globally distributed, we are able to maintain 24-hour coverage.

