[PoS Round-Up] Ethereum’s Sepolia testnet merge, Brave supports Solana & Polygon Web3 phone

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5 min readJul 19, 2022

PoS Round-Up is our focused biweekly report on the major news in and around the Proof of Stake ecosystem.


Ethereum’s Sepolia testnet has successfully merged with its Proof of Stake chain, taking the network one step closer to the long-awaited “Merge”. Sepolia was the second of three public testnets to merge, the last one being Goerli.

Ethereum World News

Video game retailer, GameStop, launched its Ethereum-based NFT marketplace. At the moment, it offers NFT artwork, but the company plans to add video game items in the future.


Playboy announced it will be launching a MetaMansion on the Ethereum-based metaverse, The Sandbox. The MetaMansion will feature NFT collectibles, events and gaming experiences using Playboy’s content library.



Brave’s Web3 wallet released its new version 1.41, which now supports Solana. The wallet’s desktop users can now directly connect to Solana-based DApps, allowing them to explore the network’s growing ecosystem with fast transaction speeds and low fees.



Polygon follows Solana in bringing Web3 to smartphones. Tech startup, Nothing, will use the Polygon network to offer NFTs on its new Android-based Nothing phone (1).


Polygon is one of six companies, and the only blockchain-based firm, to be selected for Disney Accelerator, a business and development program designed to spur the growth of innovative companies around the world.


Reddit launched a Polygon-based NFT avatar marketplace. The avatars can be stored on Reddit’s own blockchain wallet, Vault, which is currently used to earn community points and spend them on in-app features, such as badges.



Polkadot’s Governance v2 will remove the Polkadot Council and Technical Committee, and will allow unlimited referenda. The new governance mechanism aims to ensure an optimum and adaptive balance between safety and agility.


Darwinia, a cross-chain messaging infrastructure, won Polkadot’s latest parachain auction.

Kinstugi, the canary network of InvArch, won Kusama’s latest parachain auction.


Moonbeam announces the launch of the Moonbeam Orbiters Program, a collator rotation program and a new way for collators to engage with Moonbeam and Moonriver.



The Injective CosmWasm Mainnet upgrade goes live. The upgrade includes support for CosmWasm smart contracts, interchain accounts, binary options, negative maker fees and more.



Umee is launching the first price oracle service for Cosmos’ Inter-Blockchain Communication (IBC) protocol. The oracle, called Orion, will be backed by Umee’s validators and pull pricing data from a set of centralized exchanges and decentralized exchange Osmosis.


Umee will work with industry-leading cybersecurity advisory firm, Halborn, for a comprehensive security audit ahead of the network’s lending protocol upgrade.



MIDL.dev, a cloud services company specializing in proof-of-stake infrastructure, launched their Tezos RPC service, a new offering allowing NFT and Dapps to interact with the Tezos network, cheaply and reliably.


Gitopia is partnering with Tezos India to be the official code collaboration platform for the TezAsia Hackathon 2022. The teams would also be eligible for additional rewards if they chose to collaborate with their teammates entirely on Gitopia from the beginning of the Hackathon.



The NFL will offer free NFT virtual commemorative tickets for attendees of over 100 regular-season games next season. The NFTs are minted on the Flow blockchain.


Band Protocol

Bandchain Laozi Testnet 5, which supports the new IBC standard, is now live.


Cosmos Hub governance proposal #74: Make the Cosmos Hub the main sponsor of HackATOM Seoul 2022, is currently accepting votes. Voting ends July 27, 2022.

Evmos governance proposal #35: Register ERC20 for Osmosis, recently passed.

About stakefish

stakefish is the leading validator for Proof of Stake blockchains. With support for 20+ networks, our mission is to secure and contribute to this exciting new ecosystem while enabling our users to stake with confidence. Because our nodes and our team are globally distributed, we are able to maintain 24-hour coverage.

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