Masternode & TPoS Synchronization Fix

Published in
5 min readApr 20, 2019

On Thursday April 18 some XSN Masternodes and Merchantnodes experienced halted blocks causing these nodes to go offline/out of sync affecting the second layer. To see if you were affected we have provided a guide below to assist you in checking and fixing the issue.

The XSN blockchain itself is safe and our developers are working on some key fixes that will help stabilize the second layer moving forward.

How can I tell if I am impacted by this?

Please see the various options available for you to check to see if your node was impacted. If you run a Merchantnode (TPoS VPS), please refer to Option 3.

Option 1 (Applicable to Masternodes)

Please go to and input your Masternode IP address into the search bar and press “Find” as follows:

On the next screen it will display the “Last seen” time of your Masternode. If this does not show a recent time within the last few minutes, then you will need to re-enable your Masternode as outlined later in this article.

Option 2 (Applicable to Masternodes)

If you use the Stakenet Cloud Monitoring service, please log into your Stakenet Cloud and navigate yourself to the Monitoring Tab.

Within this section, you can hover over the “wifi” symbols which will tell you the status of your Masternode. If the colour of the symbol Green, the your Masternode is running fine however; if it is red or orange then action is required.

Option 3 (Applicable for Merchantnodes (TPoS))

Log into your TPoS VPS and you will need to check your debug log to see if you get a constant stream within the log similar to below:

To check your debug log on your VPS, you use the following command:

tail -f ~/.xsncore/debug.log

To exit from the debug log, use “ctrl + c”. If you see that message then please proceed with the rest of this article as your node has been impacted.

I use the Stakenet Cloud Masternodes as a Service (MNaaS), am I impacted?

If you host your Masternode though the Stakenet Cloud MNaaS, then the cloud has performed their maintenance and your Masternode will be ready to be re-enabled.

Open your local wallet, which is the wallet that holds your Masternode collateral, and follow the below instructions:

Go tools, followed by "Wallet Repair" and click on "Flush mncache"

Your wallet will now restart and clear the Masternode cache file. Once it has re-opened and fully synced, please go to your Masternodes tab, click on the Masternode you want to start to highlight it and press “Start Alias”.

Your Masternode status should change to “Enabled” after 15 to 30 minutes. You can verify this within your local wallet or by re-entering your Masternode IP address into the

My Masternode VPS / Merchantnode (TPoS) VPS has been affected, what do I do?

If your node is not running, then please proceed with the following commands which can be copied and pasted directly into your VPS, one line at a time:

First step is to install unzip on your server as this will be required to unzip the bootstrap onto your server. Please note that you will be prompted to enter in your Superuser password:

sudo apt-get install unzip

If you log in using root and not through your Superuser account, please remove “sudo” from the above command.

After installing unzip, you can now proceed with either of the following options.

Option 1 Bash Script — this step is very simple and requires less manual work on the user as it has been pre-programmed into the script. To use the script please do the following on your VPS:

wget 777 ./

Once the bash script has completed, you will see a message saying the following:

Option 2 Manually input the commands: Please copy and paste each line individually into your VPS

~/.xsncore/xsn-cli stoprm -rf ~/.xsncore/blocksrm -rf ~/.xsncore/chainstaterm -rf ~/.xsncore/peers.datrm -rf ~/.xsncore/mncache.datrm -rf ~/.xsncore/netfulfilled.datrm -rf ~/.xsncore/merchantnodecache.datrm -rf ~/.xsncore/debug.log.oldrm -rf ~/.xsncore/debug.logwget xfvz xsn-1.0.18-x86_64-linux-gnu.tar.gzcp xsn-1.0.18/bin/xsnd ~/.xsncore/cp xsn-1.0.18/bin/xsn-cli ~/.xsncore/wget -d ~/.xsncorels -l ~/.xsncore~/.xsncore/xsnd

The above bash script / commands will stop your VPS, clear the cache files and debug log, update your wallet to the latest wallet version, apply the latest blockchain bootstrap and start your wallet.

Your wallet will need to do a full resync to the XSN chain however; as we have applied the latest blockchain blocks to your folder then the sync will be faster than usual.

You can monitor the progress of the sync by using the following command:

~/.xsncore/xsn-cli getblockchaininfo

You will need to compare the headers & blocks against what is shown in the xsnexplorer. Once they are all on the same block, your server will be fully synced up:

After your VPS has fully synced to the chain, you will need to do either of the following:

  • Masternode Owners:
Go tools, followed by "Wallet Repair" and click on "Flush mncache"
  • TPoS Merchants :
Go tools, followed by "Debug Console" and re-enable the TPoS contract following the regular setup procedure with `merchantnode start-alias TPoS_ALIAS_Name`Once this has enabled after 15 to 30 minutes, go to the TPoS VPS and input `~/.xsncore/xsn-cli setgenerate true 1 true TPoS_TXID`

If you have any questions or issues, please join us in the Stakenet Discord — and we will be happy to help.

