Roadmap Progress Update (23 April)

Hydranet Team
Published in
1 min readApr 23, 2019

The following development roadmap values have been updated:

MCLW (80% to 90%)

One-click Lightning Swaps (80% to 90%)

LN DEX (20% to 50%)

LN Privacy Swaps (0% to 25%)

Auto-Updates (0% to 25%)

Key progress was made to the roadmap this past week. Most notably on the Light Wallet as we have moved to test version 0015 and our LN DEX as we near showcase functionality. Auto-updates for smooth public testing and default privacy architecture has commenced as well.

Check our live roadmap to stay up to speed on our teams progress, plans, and future developments. We will be providing weekly roadmap updates for the community moving forward.

