PhD Scientist & Hardware Engineer added to Stakenet (XSN) Team

Hydranet Team
Published in
3 min readSep 4, 2018

As we continue through this Crypto Winter it is important for projects to continue to adapt and evolve to be poised to come out the other side stronger and more robust than before. We have been working hard during this time to make sure our fundamentals are sound and team is strong. With that we have announced the addition of two highly experienced individuals to our Development Team. A Hardware Engineer with over 12 years’ experience and a Post-doctorate Research Scientist. We will go through each individual and briefly explain their purpose/contribution and how this will build solid foundations for us moving forward.

Vasyl Parovinchak

Vasyl is a Hardware Engineer with over 12 years’ experience working with some of the biggest names of Silicon Valley, having serviced companies such as Apple and Virgin Healthcare. He has direct experience in the full development life-cycle of hardware from schematics, PCB development, firmware/software development and printing/production. He has working prototypes prepared of initial hardware versions which we are currently putting through rigorous testing for safety, security, and quality assurance as protecting our users assets is the upmost priority in our coming line of products.

Che Stafford PhD

Che, a Post Doctorate at the Ludwig-Maximilians University working in the field of cellular biology and inflammation, is helping build a team of XSN Researchers who will assist in the authoring of scientific papers, develop partnerships in the medical field, and bridge Blockchain Technology X Life Sciences.

Che’s current work is a string of academic papers explaining how Blockchain X Bio-medical can work on a fundamental level. These papers will assist the XSN team in the creation of novel Hardware functionalities unique to XSN particularly in the realm of bio-sensors (more on this subject will be revealed in coming weeks).

With our new team of experts we aim to soon have the ability to custom tailor devices to our XSN Blockchain, giving our native tokens special and unique intrinsic value not found elsewhere in the realm of wearable bio sensor technologies. This also will open possibilities for new partnerships and collaborations in the realm of bio-tech, partners in the medical field, and collaborations with some of the top research scientists. This will give our project a unique angle and value as we move forward ending the year going into 2019.

The development and building of XSN Hardware has already begun and testable prototypes will be available to the public in the coming months. For all the latest updates and news, follow @XSNofficial on Twitter or join Stakenet (XSN) on Discord. If you are interested in private testing, please contact @Shahab on Discord.

XSN Hardware, a division of Stakenet, working in parntership with our XSN-CORE (software team) & XSN-CLOUD (cloud staking & services team, aims to solve the problem and bridge the gap between the blockchain digital world and real world.

Blockchain Report

In other news, Core Developers are actively making Lightning payments on mainnet and are preparing a light multi-currency wallet to be released in the coming months with a proof of concept of our built in Decentralized Exchange Mechanism. XSN-Cloud has launched Stratis and will soon be adding more PoS coins (PIVX will be announced soon), as well as Masternode as a Service (MNaaS).

