XSN Dev Update | NOV 1 2020

Hydranet Team
Published in
3 min readNov 1, 2020

The team has been pushing continuous builds to our private beta testing group, with great feedback. Thanks to all who have participated and helped thus far. We will continue to utilize private beta to rollout and test new technologies as they are prepared for public debuts

Currently, the group has been testing and assisting with our Simple Swap UI feature, ensuring the integrity of channel logic, finding optimal configurations and user flow.

DEX bot operators have commenced stress tests
Our bot operators have begun stress testing the DEX, initial tests run approx 2–3k trades/ day with volume at $10k+ which we are pleased to announce come with little to no errors. You will be able to monitor these tests in our newly launched DEX stat UI page. Also at this site you will soon be able to find…

  • Number of trades
  • # of connected nodes to the HUB
  • Number of channels (connected to the HUB network)

Stress testing is important as they confirm the L2 DEX architecture can handle mass traffic, high volume, and low latency trades to allow competitiveness VS traditional CEX’s

Adding ETH Support

ETH support in the light wallet is nearly ready, devs have setup the backend, prepared the API and will soon deploy to our private beta group for testing

Adding ETH to the DEX via L2

Our developers focus has been on the integration of ETH private key functionality and L2 client channel states. Our community have presented a wealth of options that our Devs have been exploring further and are finalising their conclusions of these options. As always, XSN is code agnostic as such, we have the freedom to explore the options that best suit the needs of our technology and not be tied to anyone in particular. This is to ensure specific goals and principles of speed and adaptability will work on multi operating system (os) support & integration with our light wallet.

We are now in the process of completing exchange and 3rd party state channel client testing this week. Results have been promising and will publish these & demo’s ahead.

As with the ETH support, the DEX tests will be deployed to our private beta group first for testing and review


We have begun reaching out and inviting other teams and projects to join our coming multi-hub network to prepare for the upcoming Prometheus stage. If you know other projects that are interested and a good fit, let us know and we may be able to reach out to add them to the official DEX HUB ALLIANCE.

Our DEX roadmap is broken up into three stages, GAIA (currently in process now) Prometheus (multi HUB architecture, proving scalability/ solving L2 liquidity) HYDRA (DEX network offloaded to XSN chain and masternodes)

Core Wallet Update V1.0.26

Also updated has been our XSN Core Wallet. Get the latest V 1.0.26, which fixes an issue with rewards for 0% TPoS here

Join us on Discord and follow us on Twitter to stay up-to-date with our latest news and developments.

