XSN-Core Update | Team Expansion, StakeNet.io

Hydranet Team
Published in
2 min readApr 23, 2018

The PoSW — -> XSN Coin swap is underway! All PoSW holders please swap your coins here https://xsncoin.io/swap

you have until May 1st

Word from the team:

As much of the supply has been successfully swapped and we have trustlessly staked over 20k+ blocks, it can be said for the first time ever a user can stake on a POS protocol safely, and securely offline through a mechanism we call TPoS (Trustless Proof of Stake). Providing security for not only the user, but also the network as coins offline in our network provide extra security where other POS coins do not. Our teams ethos is simple — help move our industry in a direction where trustless economies reign supreme, power is given to the individual, and a symbiotic strengthening of network — user is established. With that being said we are excited to announce the addition of 3 new developers to our team
@Giardino https://www.linkedin.com/in/carlosmeloeng/
@AlexITC https://www.linkedin.com/in/alexis-hernandez/
@eloyweb https://www.linkedin.com/in/eloy-gil-guerrero-01126775/

This expansion is in anticipation of the launch of our official “Staking as a Service” platform stakenet.io — where you will be able to Trustlessly stake XSN, regular stake major POS coins, host masternodes, and execute atomic swaps via our coming Decentralized Exchange built with XSN Masternodes. The future will move towards platform centered, trustless utility and cross chain developments. Lookout for news in our discord in the coming week(s) regarding our block explorer, exchanges, Ledger app, wallet updates (V 1.0.6) and launch of our official staking website http://stakenet.io!

