Staker Features

Sam Presnal
Published in
3 min readJan 26, 2021

✨ ETH-less Transactions

Staker allows for users to transact without ETH in their wallet. Staker performs gas estimates based on selected transaction or batch of transactions. Using this gas estimate the Staker service provides a quote for the transaction that can be paid in HEX, ETH, or USDC.

The quote is based on the gas requirement and spot Uniswap price of the HEX, ETH, and USDC pairs.

🏎 No Stuck Transactions

We build a transaction relay service which guarantees a transaction will be executed within a specified window of time (no more stuck transactions). When a transaction is made by a user, it is handed off to the relay service.

The initial transaction specifies a gas price when handed off to the relay service. This price is broadcasted to the ETH network. If the transaction is not picked up within a certain time window, the relayer will increase the gas price and rebroadcast the transaction. This continues to occur until the transaction is picked up. All this is done at no extra cost to the user.

😎 No Running Out of Gas

Staker does the best possible gas estimation for the transactions taking place. On top of the estimation, Staker sets the gas limit and is willing to pay 2x the estimated amount.

As a result, users of the Staker app should not encounter any out of gas errors during contract execution.

👍 No Paying for Failed Transactions

With the design of the fee payment system, users will be refunded the fees of any transactions that take place and do not complete successfully. Staker performs multiple checks to ensure the transactions taking place are valid and will consume the cost of the transaction when this is not the case.

One Click Staking Ladder

Batch transactions, possible by using Gnosis Safe, are the ability to combine multiple transaction calls together in a single call. These transactions are executed sequentially and all must succeed for the call to succeed.

Staker supports batch staking for the HEX contract. This allows users to create an entire staking ladder in one transaction call. Additionally, estimated interest is provided based on 30-day interest history and amount of shares for the ladder.

With batch transactions, users will be able to pay for gas out of their end stake. This is an awesome feature because it removes the need to hold ETH in the wallet. All funds can be staked earning interest rather than having liquid ETH stored on the side.


Swapping is powered by With batch transactions users will be able to approve and swap with a single click. Being powered by 1inch allows us to take advantage of any new liquidity sources being added or upgraded without infrastructure changes within the app.

The only pairs supported at launch will be HEX, ETH, and USDC. This allows users to purchase ETH or USDC with the most popular fiat onboards, deposit, and swap.

Direct Funding

Staker integrates three separate fund providers. When interacting with these funding providers, address and email are automatically populated to provide a seamless fiat to crypto experience.

Current fund providers include — Ramp, Transak, and Indacoin.

