Feedback on feedback

Matt Leibowitz
Stake stories
Published in
3 min readMar 12, 2019

A couple weeks ago, we asked the community how likely they would be to recommend Stake. We received a bunch of responses and have read every single one. It’s gold. We grouped all the responses into recurring themes and items that we should work on first. Here‘s what we’re doing about your top three requests.

Where are limit orders?

Some customers haven’t been able to locate limit orders on Stake. We’ve had limit orders since day one and wouldn’t be a trading platform without them. You can place Market, Limit and Stop (Market) orders right now. We’re pushing to extend the order types to include One Cancels Other orders and Stop Limits.

How to place a limit order in the app

Select the orange drop-down after you select BUY or SELL. You’ll be able to place Market, Limit and Stop orders from here.

How to place a limit order on desktop

Select Advanced Orders on the BUY or SELL order pad. From here, you can select LIMIT or STOP.

For more info on this order type, see our FAQs.

Tax reporting should be better.

We hear you, and we hear you loud & clear. That’s why we’ve partnered with Sharesight.

How to get an accountant friendly tax report

Create a Sharesight account and forward your trade confirmations from Stake to your custom Sharesight e-mail address. All your information will be sorted in an accountant friendly tax report for when the time comes to sort out your taxes.

Find out more about this feature from Sharesight.

Can I trade on unsettled funds?

Waiting the 2 day settlement period can be a pain when you want to get in on the action.

We’re committed to delivering users the ability to trade on unsettled funds. We’re working through the US market trading rules (Good Faith Violations and Pattern Day Trading) to ensure we protect you from breaching a different set of rules to what applies locally.

More details coming mid-year.

Honorable mentions

App speed

The need for speed. It was great to hear this is an area of improvement as it’s one of our biggest projects right now. We are in the process of making Stake more responsive with delivery soon. We’ve just brought in some new talent (aka MJ “the Goat”) to focus solely on making our product realise our goal; being the best place to buy and sell US shares outside of the US. We’re going to deliver!

Better charting & data

Many people are looking for better charting tools and data. Data in the US is surprisingly expensive. In addition to the data source we currently provide for free (BATS) we’ll be rolling out new premium data sources for those willing to pay a bit extra.

Our charting data has areas for improvement too. We’ll be using a new source for chart data in the coming months which makes our charts more comprehensive and accurate. If you’ve ever jumped into a stock and found the chart doing crazy things or straight up blank, this new data source will solve the issue.

Keep it up

As always keep shooting through the feedback, ideas, and requests on socials, via email and (we’d love to see a) carrier pigeon. It’s chats with our community that make sure we’re always on our game. Thanks for all your support.

