Scott Mcall
Stakewolle Ambassadors
2 min readDec 4, 2022

With its components and tools for creating distinctive, interoperable marketplaces, Asset-Mantle has established itself as a pivot for NFT marketplaces. Asset-Mantle uses IBC, a protocol that facilitates blockchain interoperability, to generate (mint) and transfer NFTs (digital art, collectibles, identities, commodities, real-world assets, etc.) between various blockchains.

Asset-Mantle additionally enables designers and artists to create specialized, entirely unique marketplaces or shops for particular collections of NFTs.

Benefits of using Asset-Mantle include:

PoS systems and renewable energy:

The Asset-Mantle chain employs the Proof-of-Stake (PoS) consensus to certify transactions. Because PoS consumes far less energy than PoW to process transactions, Asset-Mantle miners create “greener” NFTs than those created on Ethereum and other PoW chains.

Completely customizable storefronts: Our designers may build on our framework to swiftly and easily set up fully customizable storefronts, allowing them to present their collections in online shops that are consistent with their personality.

Cross-chain Compatibility: Asset-Mantle is built on top of the Cosmos interchain ecosystem. Thanks to the marketplace’s interoperability features, artists and producers can mint on Cosmos and move their assets for trading on other IBC-related chains.

Low Transfer and Minting Costs:

Asset-Mantle has made a significant upgrade to the Tendermint Core consensus engine, which uses the exponentially more efficient dPoS consensus technique (compared with PoW). With the removal of entry barriers and a level playing field for both creators and collectors, these features drastically lower transaction costs.

Support for a variety of asset types: Users have access to a wide range of supporting assets, including images, sound, video, 3D, AR/VR, and more.

Cross-chain NFTs with Native Implementation: Asset-Mantle wants to promote cross-chain NFTs with native implementation because the NFT module was developed at the native application logic level rather than the smart contract level.

With these benefits, Asset-Mantle takes on the game-changing role for NFT assets and marketplaces while tackling the present well-known NFTs challenges including interoperability, high minting and transfer fees, and an infrastructure that isn’t particularly environmentally friendly.



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