The Ultimate SUI Staking Guide

Gisele Schout
Published in
9 min readMay 4, 2023

The time is finally here! SUI staking on Mainnet is now available, and that means it’s time to earn passive income on your $SUI by staking and earning rewards. In this guide, you’ll find a step-by-step explanation for all your favorite Sui wallets: Sui Wallet, Suiet, and Martian Wallet.

How To Stake SUI with Sui Wallet

To get started with the SUI Wallet and stake your SUI, you’ll need first to download the browser extension. For now, Sui Wallet is only available on Chrome. However, other versions might be added in the future. If you’re not using Chrome and want to stake SUI, you can select one of the other wallets in this article.

To create your wallet, select “Get Started”. Next, select “Create a New Wallet”. If you already have a wallet, you can also select “Import an Existing Wallet”.

Now it’s time to add a password. We’d recommend using a password with at least 12 characters, including numbers, letters, and signs. Furthermore, writing down your password somewhere secure and offline is recommended. Agree to the terms & conditions and select “Create Wallet” to continue.

Write the given recovery phrase down (preferably offline as well) and select “Open Sui Wallet” to continue. Please note that without your recovery phrase, you cannot access your SUI later.

Stake Your SUI

Now that you’ve created your wallet, it’s time to get to staking! On the dashboard, select “Stake & Earn SUI”. Next, choose your preferred validator by scrolling down and clicking on them. If you’re happy with your selection, continue by clicking on the validator.

Next, fill out the amount of SUI that you’d like to stake. Confirm if all the details are correct and select “Stake Now”.

If successful, you should see a transaction confirmation. Your stake starts earning rewards at the start of the next epoch. Rewards are automatically compounded, which means restaking is not necessary.

How To Unstake SUI with Sui Wallet

To claim or unstake your SUI, select “Currently Staked”. You’ll now see an overview of your validators. In the overview, select the validator that you’d like to unstake with.

Next, select “Unstake SUI”. Ensure that all the details are in order, then select “Unstake Now”.

And that’s all folks! You’ve now unstaked your SUI!

How To Stake SUI with Martian Wallet

First, you must download the app and set up your wallet account to stake with Martian Wallet. We advise you only to use the official website’s download button to download the browser extension. Once you’ve added the extension to your browser, the Martian Wallet will open and look like the screen below.

On the “start” screen, select “Create a New Wallet” (see image above) to get started and create your wallet. Please note that if you already have a wallet, you can select the option “I already have a Wallet,” fill out your private phrase and recover your wallet.

Now it’s time to select a password. We’d recommend using a password with at least 12 characters, including numbers, letters, and signs. Furthermore, we also recommend writing down or storing your password somewhere offline for extra security. Once you’ve selected your password and read the terms and conditions, select “Continue”.

You’ll now be given your recovery phrase or seed phrase. You must remember this phrase and DO NOT tell anyone else. Therefore, storing it somewhere safe, preferably offline, is also advised. It will be impossible to access your assets later if you do not have your recovery phrase.

Stake Your SUI

Now that your account is set up, it’s time to start staking! On the Martian extension dashboard, select “Stake your SUI”. Next, scroll down to find the validator of your choice, and click on the validator to select them.

Fill out the amount of SUI that you’d like to stake under “Balance”. Remember that you’ll need to save some SUI for gas fees and that the minimum amount is 1. To continue, select “Preview”.

Next, confirm the amount staked, gas fees, etc., on the pop-up, and select “Confirm and Stake” if you agree. You will see the “Success” message in a few seconds, indicating your stake is successful. You can now go ahead and close the window. Your stake starts earning rewards at the start of the next epoch.

How To Claim or Unstake with Martian Wallet

It’s very easy to unstake your SUI on Martian Wallet. First, go to the Home screen and select “Stake”. Next, the stake dashboard or screen shows a list of all the SUI staked to your validators and which epoch they’re in. You have to unstake all SUI simultaneously. Choose the SUI you want to unstake, and select “Unstake”. After a few seconds, your assets will be unstaked! Congrats!

How To Stake SUI with Suiet

To get started, let’s download the Suiet Wallet extension of your choice. Go to the official website, and select your preferred download option (please note: be careful not to download the wallet from any website other than the official Suiet page).

Once downloaded, open up the extension and select “Create Wallet”.

Next, create a secure password with at least 12 characters, including capital letters, regular letters, signs, and numbers. Write your password somewhere (preferably offline), then select “Next Step”.

Write the given recovery phrase down. You must remember this phrase and DO NOT tell anyone else. Therefore, storing it somewhere safe, preferably offline, is also advised. Accessing your assets later is only possible if you have your recovery phrase.

Time To Stake Your SUI

Now it’s time to stake your SUI. First, on the dashboard, select “SUI”. Next, select “Stake”.

On the top of the dashboard, select the validator by scrolling through the options. For this example, we’ve used Stakin. Now add the amount of SUI you’d like to delegate to your validator, check the balance, and ensure that you keep some SUI for the gas fees (also in the future when you want to withdraw any rewards). Select “Confirm” to confirm the transaction.

Once confirmed, all you need to do is wait. Your stake starts earning rewards at the start of the next epoch.

Claiming/Unstaking SUI with Suiet

Unstaking or claiming your earned SUI rewards is very simple with the Suiet wallet. All you need to do is go to your staked assets, click on them, and select “Unstake” (see image below).

Wait for a few seconds, and you’ll receive a confirmation that your assets have successfully been unstaked. And that’s all there is to it!

How To Stake SUI with Ethos

As with the previously mentioned wallets, the first step to staking your SUI is to create your wallet. Go to the official Ethos Wallet for Sui website (please don’t download the wallet from anywhere else).

Once you’ve downloaded the extension, select “Generate New Wallet”, and create a password. A safe password ideally has at least 12 characters, including capital letters, normal letters, signs, and numbers. Make a note of your password somewhere (ideally offline).

Your recovery phrase or seed phrase will now be presented to you. You must remember this phrase and DO NOT share it with anyone. As a result, storing it somewhere safe, preferably offline, is also recommended. You cannot access your assets afterward if you do not have your recovery phrase. Furthermore, Ethos will request you to re-fill your recovery phrase to confirm you’ve stored it correctly.

You’ll also be able to customize your wallet by adding a different color and emoji to it. You can skip or use this option, depending on your preference. Please note that this doesn’t influence the security of your wallet etc.

Staking SUI

To get started with staking on the Ethos wallet, select “staking” on the top right of the dashboard (see the image below).

Next, scroll down to find the validator of your choice. In this case, we’ve gone for Stakin. Click on the validator to select, then click on “Next”.

Now it’s time to fill out the amount of SUI that you’d like to stake. Keep in mind that you’ll need to save some for gas fees and future transactions. Review the details to confirm everything is in order. If so, continue by clicking “Review”, and once again by clicking “Confirm”. It should only take a few seconds for your “Staking Complete!” message to appear. You’ve now staked your SUI! Congratulations!

Rewards start in the next epoch (which takes around 24 hours). To unstake your SUI, you’ll also need to wait for one epoch. Rewards on SUI auto compound, which means you won’t need to restake your earned rewards.

Claiming SUI Rewards with Ethos

When you’d like to claim your SUI rewards, select “staking” on the top right menu of the Ethos wallet. Next, your staking overview with all validators you’ve staked to opens up. You’ll also be able to see the number of rewards you’ve accumulated thus far.

To unstake, select the validator of your choice that you’d like to unstake with.

Next, select “Unstake SUI”. Select “Unstake SUI” one more time to confirm that you’d like to unstake.

And that’s really all there is to it. You’ve now unstaked your SUI. Remember that staking doesn’t just earn you rewards; it also helps to support the SUI ecosystem and secure the blockchain network.

Final Thoughts

Staking is a crucial mechanism for the sustainability and security of blockchain networks. By staking your digital assets, you can contribute to the network’s operation and earn rewards in return. If you are interested in staking SUI or learning more about this process, please contact Stakin via our Website, Twitter, Blog, or join the Telegram and Discord community.

DISCLAIMER: This is not financial advice. Staking, delegation, and cryptocurrencies involve a high degree of risk, and there is always the possibility of loss, including the failure of all staked digital assets. Additionally, delegators are at risk of slashing in case of security or liveness faults on some protocols. We advise you to do your due diligence before choosing a validator.



Gisele Schout

Enthusiastic digital marketeer diving into the world of cryptocurrency and blockchain.