Guide to using the Matic Bridge to bridge tokens from Ethereum to Polygon (Matic Network)

Published in
3 min readApr 29, 2021


In the previous article, we explained that it was possible to use the Zapper Bridge to bridge tokens from Ethereum to Polygon.

In this guide, we will show you an alternate way to bridge tokens, this time using the official Matic Bridge — otherwise known as the PoS Bridge (Proof-of-Stake bridge).


  • ETH on your Ethereum wallet
  • Token you wish to bridge

Get ETH or MATIC tokens on Binance (10% rebate)

Login onto the Matic Web Wallet

Head over to the Matic Web Wallet.

Matic Web Wallet

Connect to your Ethereum wallet using one of the methods above, Metamask is suggested.

You’d be asked to sign the transaction — click on Sign (it costs nothing).

Once you have connected, you will see a dashboard showing your all token balances on Polygon.


Click on Move funds to Matic Mainnet.




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