Optimism Bedrock Upgrade Explained

Published in
4 min readJun 5, 2023


Optimism’s Bedrock upgrade, scheduled for June 6, will see significant cost reductions for transactions.

Optimism, a leading player in the blockchain space, has consistently pushed the boundaries of rollup architecture.

With their latest offering, Bedrock, Optimism aims to revolutionize the field by introducing a cost-effective, high-speed, and technologically advanced rollup architecture.

The upgrade is set to go live on June 6, and the Optimism network is expected to be down for two to four hours as the upgrade goes through.

This article explores the key features and potential impact of Optimism Bedrock, shedding light on its significance for developers and the broader blockchain ecosystem.

A journey of innovation and continuous improvements

Optimism has been at the forefront of rollup architecture advancements.

Notably, they introduced the concept of EVM Equivalence, which allows the use of existing mainnet Ethereum clients as the foundation for Layer 2 (L2) solutions. This approach has enabled Optimism to achieve impressive milestones, including advanced calldata compression, compatibility with Ethereum gas and opcode, accurate timestamps, and seamless integration with existing tools.




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