Our Manifesto


This is what Stambol is all about

Stambol specializes in crafting magical experiences within all Virtualities. We are your window to another world. Our company exists to blend art and technology at every opportunity.

Our Vision is to Communicate with Magic

Stambol seeks to be a leader in all Virtualities, including VR, AR, MR, and whatever the future may hold. We are excited to embrace change around every corner. We will challenge definitions and limitations within the fields of graphics, marketing, training, and activism — separately and together.

We will serve a broad range of clients with virtual, augmented, and mixed reality. We will not limit ourselves to particular industries or technologies. We will use all wizardry at our disposal to enhance your view of reality.

Stambol lives in the cloud, but we understand this is merely the beginning. We will work where and when our clients need us. We plan to evolve in terms of both technology and workflow to realize dreams now, and for years to come.

Our Experts Offer Decades of Excellence

Stambol is bold and confident when we talk about our knowledge and skill base. It’s not baseless; our team is comprised of and led by experts.

Stambol was founded by two brothers who decided to harness decades of experience in the field of computer graphics and 3D animation. Their goal was to bring you immersive experiences designed to impress. They did this because they’ve had a life-long interest in electronics and computing. They cut their teeth on monochrome monitors during the first days of arcade games and home consoles like Atari.

Rooted in a family of entrepreneurs and tech fans, they went on to forge careers in computer engineering and graphic design. Our CEO launched his career creating a ground-breaking driving simulator in Turkey and pioneering some of the coding behind digitally-rendered human hair. Our CCO has cultivated a skill set that transcends graphic design, incorporating all dimensions 2D, 3D, and 4D.

Our Work Fuses Engineering with Art

Stambol is rooted in the idea of merging art and engineering. Named for Istanbul, where East meets West, we exist at the intersection of a coder’s obsessive left-brain approach and an artist’s expressive right-brain style. We complement each other, we support each other, and we push each other to achieve more than either could alone. The founding team of Stambol functions as a whole; one half could not thrive without the other.

Creative and analytical are equals at Stambol. One is not more important, nor is it more respected than the other. We keep an eye on details. We take time to dream. The results are stunning visuals of unparalleled quality, as beautiful as they are technically masterful.

Our Values Inform Our Work Ethic

At Stambol, every team member lives to disrupt. We are outliers; we are trend-setters; we do not want to get in line and follow the crowd.

We align ourselves with professionals who feel the same way. No one in our office is ‘working for the weekend’, so your project is developed, honed, crafted, and polished to perfection with the attention to detail that only comes from passion.

We will say “no” to projects that we find unethical or harmful. We are world travellers and adventurers. We aim to foster real-world cross-border relationships between people already connected online.

Each day, task, idea, project, meeting, and presentation is approached with gratitude. As residents of Vancouver, British Columbia, we feel incredibly lucky to live in a beautiful, thriving, evolving metropolis. As VR professionals, we take pride in pushing forward, leading from behind in an industry experiencing a wild explosion of growth.

Our Team Seeks to Lead from Behind

Our team boasts a great deal of education and expertise, but that’s not what we mean by Education here. We plan to continue sharing as much in-depth information about our work and the VR industry as they both progress.

Our website and blog will be become a go-to resource for VR and related information. We will share details on how Virtuality technology works, relevant and timely industry news, plus everything we find fascinating about our growing capacity to dive into brand new worlds.

We want to foster excitement about VR, but more than that, we believe it would be a privilege to help the next generation of programmers and designers understand — and love — all immersive technologies the way we do.

Our Company is Client-focused

Stambol exists to serve our clients. Our mentality is not one of “the customer is always right,” but of offering solutions that meet needs our clients didn’t know they had. We work with companies and organizations to create communication that transcends sales and marketing, allowing messages to become experiences.

A meeting with the Stambol team is not one where we take and fill an order. Our experts listen, illicit, uncover, and reveal to transform the mundane into magic. We deliver immersive and interactive experiences that help our clients evolve, diving into new spaces, propelling them into the future.

Our clients can expect applications that leave permission-marketing in the past. We present your brand with the opportunity to have more than a conversation with your target market; we enable you to offer your prospects a journey into wonderland.

Our Leaders Live to Inspire

Imagination + Knowledge + Technology = Immersive New Worlds

“Virtualities are going to change everything. Period. If you don’t believe me, hang around our website, blog, and social media to watch this process unfold. Stambol doesn’t just want to be a part of the VR, AR, and MR boom; We are hungry for a piece of this industry. And we will bring that energy and enthusiasm to everything we create.” — Dogu Taskiran, CEO

Story + Art + Magic = Visual Storytelling

“I learned the concept of visual storytelling from my father. One day he drew a fish and asked me what it was. He drew a sun and asked me again. I said, ‘It’s a fish. It’s a sun.’ My father said, ‘No, these are just lines. Lines share ideas. They convey meaning.’ That was a big concept for a child, but it helped shape the way I look at art and the world around me.” — Mehmet Taskiran, CCO

Originally published at www.stambol.com.



Stambol Studios
Bridging Realities — The Official Blog of Stambol

Creative technology studio specializing in highly immersive content and interactive applications. We help you innovate by combining creativity with technology.