Moved from SoundCloud to Anchor

Stamp Stories Podcast
Stamp Stories
Published in
2 min readOct 17, 2021

Hello all!

I know it’s been a while and I am sorry. Lots of things have prevented me from getting back to production — but this is for another day. Even though there have not been new episodes, this does not stop me from thinking about this podcast. I never made a single dime from the podcast, but it was always fun. Making money was never my goal anyway. However, you’d be surprised to know it was not free for me to host this podcast. Actually it was quite expensive, even though I was using SoundCloud. I had to pay for a pro account due to length of the episodes and quality of content.

It now bring me to what has happened recently. I faced a dilemma at the start of this month. With no more episodes and my annual subscription fee coming due I had to make a choice. My SoundCloud account would become limited once it expired. This would mean only I would have access to the 29 episodes I had created. It was a labour of love I really did not want to see die. Now I know some episodes were saved on, however I wanted to make sure all would be available for you.

Luckily, there is a service which Spotify (yes, that company) had bought. It’s called Anchor. With Anchor I was able to move all the episodes over at no cost. There are some (small) limitation in the features, but I can’t argue with the price. I have spent the last couple of weeks updating as many links as I could and placing redirects so you would not notice. It should not be noticeable for you. However if you are curious, you can see our new home here: . We also still own — and I have made the appropriate changes there as well. I hope you won’t notice any change, and you’ll be able to enjoy any of the old episodes or discover new ones for years to come. I can’t promise when I will have new episodes, but I’m happy to know when it makes sense, I have a home for the new content.

In the meantime, happy collecting everyone and thanks for the support!

