Comey Testimony Proves A Bipartisan Select Committee is Needed

Stand Up Republic
Stand Up Republic
Published in
2 min readMar 20, 2017

March 20, 2017


Washington, D.C. — In response to the testimonies of FBI Director James Comey and NSA Director Michael Rogers before the House Intelligence Committee today, Stand Up Republic urges Americans to call on Congress to establish a joint bipartisan select committee to fully investigate Russia’s multifaceted attack on American democracy and any connections President Donald J. Trump’s campaign had with the Russian government.

“Russia’s efforts to weaken democracy in America removes power from the hands of the American people and should be addressed with grave sobriety,” said Stand Up Republic co-founder Evan McMullin. “Unfortunately, most House Republicans participating in the hearing today demonstrated that they do not intend to execute a serious investigation of these matters. Instead, they appear committed to partisan obfuscation of even the nature of Russia’s attack and its significance before the American people.”

“While it is deeply unfortunate that we find our nation in a place in which our President’s campaign requires such investigation, we hope the FBI’s probe into potential criminal and counterintelligence elements of this case will help restore Americans’ confidence in their government,” added McMullin. “However, a broader investigation that also addresses the non-criminal elements of these matters is required and is unlikely to happen in the House Intelligence Committee, Congress should establish a bipartisan, special select committee to do so.”

“Today FBI Director Comey and NSA Director Rogers confirmed there was absolutely no evidence to support the President’s claim the Obama administration wiretapped Trump Tower,” said Stand Up Republic co-founder Mindy Finn, “and despite several months of denials from the White House, they also clearly testified that the President was misleading when he said there was no Russian intervention in our election.”

“President Trump does not have the authority to dictate what Congress should, or should not, investigate,” concluded Finn. “We urge all concerned Americans to contact their members of Congress and voice their support to establish a bipartisan select committee to investigate Russian subversion of our democracy and any connections between our White House and Vladimir Putin’s regime.”


Stand Up Republic, Inc., a nonpartisan 501(c)(4) organization, was founded by Evan McMullin and Mindy Finn to build a national grassroots movement to defend the democratic ideals, norms, and institutions that have made America the most powerful and prosperous nation on earth and a source of hope for many around the world.

Since launching in January, Stand Up Republic has continued to support holding the Trump administration accountable regarding any entanglements with Russia. The latest ad, “Sunlight,” urges Americans to encourage their Congressional representatives to appoint a bipartisan select committee to conduct a proper investigation. The ad began airing last Tuesday, with an initial two-week buy on Fox News, CNN, and MSNBC in the Washington, D.C. market, as well as a national digital and social media campaign.

For more information: Sarah Rumpf,



Stand Up Republic
Stand Up Republic

Founded by @Evan_McMullin and @MindyFinn with the purpose of leading Americans in the promotion of liberty, equality, & truth in America.