DELIVERED: More Than 22,000 Petitions to Protect Mueller Delivered to Congress

Stand Up Republic
Stand Up Republic
Published in
3 min readApr 11, 2018
Your voice, at the Capitol

For months we’ve warned of increased threats to the independence of Robert Mueller’s investigation into Moscow’s attacks on our democracy and potential Trump campaign involvement. President Trump has made it clear that he wants to stop the investigation, and his desperation grows as it involves his business partners, campaign staff and family. That’s why we’ve continually asked for your help to urge Congress to pass institutional protections for the Special Counsel.

Thousands of you have answered that call by signing petitions, contacting your members’ offices and showing up at townhall meetings to protect Mueller. In part thanks to your efforts, Republicans in Congress who have been reluctant to cross the President have expressed their support for Mueller, and now legislation to protect him is finally moving in the Senate.

Proving that this investigation is far from over, on Monday FBI agents in New York who were referred potential evidence from Mueller’s team raided Trump’s personal lawyer’s office. Seizing information from the lawyer to the president is no small matter: to receive the warrants to do so, the FBI required credible evidence of a crime. As expected, the warranted law enforcement action brought significant outrage from the President and resulted in reports that Attorney General Jeff Sessions and Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein is in the president’s crosshairs. The President could fire Sessions or Rosenstein at any point.

That’s why we must keep our efforts going. Yesterday, we delivered more than 22,000 signed petitions to the U.S. Capitol demanding that Speaker Paul Ryan and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell act now to protect the Special Counsel. I wouldn’t say that our message was exactly “welcomed” on the Hill. Lugging boxes of petitions through security proved to be a challenge. And when we arrived at Speaker Ryan’s office, we found the door locked. Ryan’s office refused to accept our petitions and turned us away. Not to be deterred, we carried your petitions to House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy’s office, where they graciously accepted them. But at the end of the day, we delivered your message to both the House and Senate leadership.

Senator McConnell receives your petitions, while Speaker Ryan closes his door to your voice.

Pressure on Congress works, and we need you to stay in this fight. Call your senators and representative every day to demand that they support legislation to protect the Mueller investigation (The capitol switchboard number is: (202) 224–3121). Already, Senators Graham, Coons, Tillis, and Booker are working on a compromise bill to do just that. They need our support, and the rest of Congress needs our pressure to do the right thing.

So, thank you for signing our petition to protect Mueller. Your dedication to our democratic ideals and institutions is not in vain, and the fight is not over. If you missed the chance, the first time, you can still add your name here: And please, call your members of Congress today to demand they stand up for the rule of law.



Stand Up Republic
Stand Up Republic

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