SUR’s Statement on the President’s Decision to Not Release the Democrat Intel Committee Memo

Stand Up Republic
Stand Up Republic
Published in
2 min readFeb 10, 2018

Tonight, President Donald Trump eliminated any doubt as to his eager support for Devin Nunes’ misinformation campaign intended to discredit investigations into the president’s ties to Moscow. In refusing to release the Democratic Intelligence Committee memo, despite unanimous support by the Intel Committee GOP, he has shown that the entire exercise is a farce designed to mislead, distract, and undermine the investigations. While he cites national security and information security as his justification, it couldn’t be clearer that he is using secrecy to protect his assaults on the Department of Justice, the FBI, and the Special Counsel. This is just the latest step in an ongoing effort by the president, Chairman Devin Nunes, and other members of Congress to turn the House Intelligence Committee into his personal protection racket.

The president lacks the credibility to merit the benefit of the doubt in his treatment of the Mueller investigation. His repeated deceptions and political attacks prove that he is acting in bad faith. Sadly, it’s become obvious that the president does not wish to uncover the truth behind Moscow’s ongoing information warfare against the American people. Instead, he’s intent on obfuscating the truth with misleading information and one-sided memos as he continues to benefit from the confusion and division he and his lackeys create.

The House Intelligence Committee voted unanimously to release this memo and the information it contained to the American people. If they are honest in their claims to want transparency, Paul Ryan and House Republicans will take immediate action to authorize the release of the memo over the president’s objections. While they’re at it, they must prove their commitment to combating Putin’s information warfare campaign against our country by passing legislation to further protect the Mueller investigation and conduct bipartisan inquiries into the Russian government’s election meddling and connections to the Trump campaign. Our national security depends on it.



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