Urgent Action Needed: Call Congress to Protect the Mueller Investigation

Stand Up Republic
Stand Up Republic
Published in
2 min readMar 20, 2018

As Mueller’s investigation moves closer to Trump’s business dealings and campaign, the President will stop at nothing to sabotage the Special Counsel’s work. Trump falsely claims his moves are “good for democracy” even while making it clear he has a vendetta against the DOJ and the FBI.

We must act now. And we have an opportunity — today — to get Republicans to protect Mueller’s investigation.

This week, Congress will attempt to pass a $1.3 trillion dollar omnibus spending bill to continue to fund the government. Because the omnibus bill is the only way Congress can fully fund the government, it’s the best vehicle to force a vote on protecting the Mueller investigation. Already, Senator Bob Corker (R-TN) has said this is the best opportunity to protect Mueller and ensure that he and his team finish their important work.

Let’s keep the pressure up.

1.) Call your Representative:

2.) Call your 2 Senators:

3.) Call a friend and ask them to do the same.

We must keep the pressure up until enough of our representatives have signed onto this crucial legislation. We don’t know what Robert Mueller and his team have found or will find. What we do know is that his investigation must continue without interference. Tell Congress that they have an obligation to ensure the independence and integrity of the Mueller Investigation, because truth still matters.



Stand Up Republic
Stand Up Republic

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