Coffee in the California sun

Meet James Coffee Co. — Standart stockist in San Diego, CA, USA

Standart Journal
3 min readMar 29, 2017


Hi! Tell us, who are you?

David Kennedy of James Coffee Co. in San Diego, CA.

Tell us the story behind your shop.

A few years ago we took over an industrial building that was built in 1927. In an effort to create energy and awareness for the coffee, as well as the space itself, we built several little boutiques that we lease to other small businesses.

‘Community is definitely a priority.’

What is special about your space?

The neighbourhood, the architecture, the jets that fly over, the noise, the music, and the shops!

Tell us a bit about your customers.

We have a pretty broad demographic as far as age and style but all seem to have the commonality in seeking out a direct connection with where and whom they spend their time with. Community is definitely a priority.

What’s your favourite thing about coming to work in the morning?

As cliché as it may sound, it’s the coffee! When I wake up and go over all that I need to do in the day, the first thing I think about is getting to work to have a nice cup of coffee.

If money was no object, what’s the first thing you’d change in your shop?

Well if money was no object then I would just eliminate the money part … no money, no problems.

Tell us one of the most important things you’ve learnt while working in your business.

Every day is a new day. Also, you have to fight to make sure people have the experience you hope they’ll have.

If you could only use one piece of Brewing equipment for the rest of your life, what would you choose and why?

The AeroPress for its versatility … and it’s virtually indestructible!

‘… the first thing I think about is getting to work to have a nice cup of coffee.’

Other than coffee, what would be the hardest food or drink for you to give up?


Do you remember the first coffee you had that was more than just coffee?

Both those things happened at the same time and same place. I was hanging out in Australia in 2008 when it all started.

Espresso or filter?


African or South American coffee?

South American

Painting or photography?


London coffee scene or Melbourne coffee scene?


French press or mokka pot?

French press

Wizard or Jedi?


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