The Talented People Behind Issue 7

We give a shout-out to the wondeful contributors at Standart.

Standart Journal
3 min readMay 17, 2017


Ahead of the launch of Standart Issue 8, we take a minute to look back and give a massive shout-out to the talented writers behind Issue 7, which was our most well received issue yet!

First, in our Coffee chapter, Chad Trewick of Reciprocafé uses his remarkable insight and experience in the coffee industry to offer some sobering thoughts in the rapidity of specialty coffee expansion in ‘Fiduciary Duty: Our Undoing’. Konrad Brits of Falcon Coffees writes on the need for culturally sensitive approaches in dealing with the problem of gender at origin in ‘Equality Grade Coffee’. The Revd Dr Jonathan Jong introduces us to the concept of the Death Café, a series of gatherings in coffee shops that aim to make speaking about death approachable and more frequent, before finally zipping over to Vietnam, where with the help of anthropologist Sarah G Grant and Will Frith of Modbar, we explore the exciting origin looking to offer specialty-grade green coffee while continuing to produce beans enough to satisfy the demands of the domestic and soluble coffee market.

In our People chapter, Liz Clayton asks the important questions around making the barista job sustainable in ‘Barista Sustainability’. Barista Champion and amateur cook Matt Perger speaks with us about all manner of things, including gender in coffee, creating online communities for our global industry, and what he’s making for dinner, in our ‘Meet Your Barista’ article.

Gwilym Davies, in the final article in his ‘Basic Training’ series, looks at the importance of efficient dialling in and waste management in the running of a successful café: ‘Beyond Basic Training’. Finally, Sara Morrocchi, in her article ‘Risky Business’, teaches us about Price Risk Management, and the need for an inclusive approach that works to offer education and tools necessary for trading coffee on the global market.

Our World chapter takes us all the way from a pub in London, where theatre maker Rose Biggin chats with Standart about creativity, ritual, and pole dancing in our ‘Meet Your Guest’ feature, to Italty of The Industrial Age, where Benjamin Aldes Wurgaft writes about how rapid industrialisation ushered in the espresso. Cole Robertson recounts a shitty breakfast with the parents in ‘The Breakfast Place’, and we round it all off with Amanda Scriver’s profile of Toronto, the up-and-coming coffee mecca.

As ever, on display throughout the magazine is some amazing artwork and photography. Adrian Macho designed a beautiful cover that reminds us of the warm feeling we all get when having a chat over coffee. Ash Ponders — a talented photographer from the States—spent a day with Michelle Johnson at Cartel Coffee Lab in Arizona. Anna Sun illustrated some amazing portraits of some of the best in the biz in ‘Barista Sustainability’. Victor Frankowski, founder of Hello Content and one of the fathers of the Coffee Masters competition, shot Matt Perger for our Meet Your Barista feature. And there’s a wealth more visual content to get stuck into!

Finally, we’d like to thank our wonderful partners Comandante, Alpha Dominche, and The Barn Berlin, and a special thank you to Hemro Group for sponsoring this issue. You can read all about them here!

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