001: The Beginning

StandUp Magazine
Published in
2 min readFeb 2, 2017

Today, a new magazine concept was conceived. After brief brainstorming in Facebook messenger, we finally sat down for our first editorial meeting. Establishing editorial ideas, discussing design principles and ironing out individual roles – meeting number one was a major success.

One hurdle we couldn’t come overcome immediately was a name. We threw about various ideas, from ‘Big Red Bus’, to counter Brexit’s Leave campaign bus claiming £350 million for the NHS, to ‘Sofa’ to play on Generation X’s insistence on calling millennials ‘lazy.’ We’ve decided to have a think over-night and decide upon a name by tomorrow evening.

Ahead of next week’s meeting we will be establishing social media pages across Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, Snapchat & Tumblr. We will also be carrying out research in the form of an online survey, setting up the flat-plan for the magazine pages and designing a style guide for editorial contributors to follow.

With at-least five different voices playing a part in moulding the magazine, we may come across moments when we disagree on little details but as it stands we have one clear vision for the magazine. We want to give a voice to the young people of Britain and around the world.

Post-Brexit, many youths feels disillusioned, disenfranchised and generally distant from the political class. We want to offer a platform for young people to educate themselves on current events, but also a place for them to project their own personal thoughts.

This is the beginning of an exciting project for us. Hopefully in the next post, the magazine will have a name.

