004: Flat-plan organisation

StandUp Magazine
Published in
1 min readFeb 22, 2017

Today we moved from the big white table, to the computers. Yes, that’s right, we’ve gone digital! Although it was a little awkward talking to everyone while sitting in a straight line, it was a nice change to be moving from pen and paper, to keyboard and screen.

By this point, we know what articles we’re doing for the first issue, but this meeting was all about deciding what pages to put them on. This also meant getting a word count decided for each article. This may sound quick and easy. It wasn’t.

Although it took some time, hassle, and it was probably the most fiddly of organisational jobs we’ve done so far, it was worth it. We have an idea of where each article is going, and how long they will be. We also have a better idea of which sections will be more picture-heavy.

As we’ve all started preparation and research for our articles, today’s meeting should prove to be very helpful when writing them up.

By next week’s meeting, we should have some drafts done for the first few pieces, which is pretty exciting!

Stay tuned for the next instalment of Stand Up…

