009: The pressure is on

StandUp Magazine
Published in
2 min readMar 23, 2017

The start of yesterday’s editorial meeting was potentially the most nerve wracking thing I’ve ever had to do. We sat down to work out our final dates for crowdfunding, printing, press week and the launch party. We’d had them roughly in our minds before but as it was early into the project we’d left a bit of room just in case — but not now. Everything is locked in.

After taking a minute to get over that sheer panic, we started to tackle the first deadline we were up against: the crowdfunding video. We’d finished filming last week which meant that all we had to focus on now was the editing. I say “all”, but actually editing a video tends to be the most time consuming task rather than shooting.

Of course, there were technical issues. For one thing, it’s us and sometimes I swear we’re cursed around technology but for another thing, you can almost always guarantee something will go wrong when you just want to get on with the job at hand. It’s the nature of life, and so we found ourselves yelling at a very stubborn hard drive for a while. Once we were able to access the videos, then editing was fairly straight forward. Although, it is possible that our blooper reel is going to end up even longer than the actual crowdfunding video. There’s just endless clips of us laughing our heads off. Stand Up is definitely amazing fun, but we’d also have less to edit if we didn’t get on as well.

The editing should be finished off today, as the main thing is adding in the music and sorting the sound levels. I won’t be fully at ease until it’s done though. With us and technology, I’m constantly on alert waiting for something to strike. Keep your fingers crossed for us.


