011: Crowd Funding Campaign Launch

StandUp Magazine
Published in
2 min readApr 5, 2017

After working on Stand Up magazine for months now, we’ve come a long way. The team have been working effortlessly to put together what is shaping up to be a pretty brilliant magazine dedication to empowering young people in UK politics. Now, comes the part where we’re going to need to ask for your help.

We have to create this magazine as part of our University course but our grades aren’t effected by how successful the magazine is. We’re not settling for good grades however, we genuinely want to make a magazine that young people can read and feel that they’re opinions and feelings are being taken seriously. For this to happen, we need your help to raise the money so that we can get this magazine in front of as many people as possible.

Earlier this week we launched our crowd funding page on Indiegogo. We’re looking to raise £5,000, but any donation big or small is very much appreciated. We’re not just looking for you to support us and then get nothing in return though.

Depending on how much you donate, we have various perks on offer including a 90’s music mixtape, a sweet box and of course a pre-order of the magazine. For more details visit our page: https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/stand-up-magazine#/

We understand after a string of brutal budget cuts and in the uncertain times post-Brexit that not everybody has the expendable income — as students we fully know how it feels. If you can’t donate, we would love for you to share our crowdfunding page on social media and with your friends, to see if they may be able to help us out. You can also follow us on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram & Tumblr.

