One meeting to rule them all

StandUp Magazine
Published in
2 min readMay 3, 2017

Apart from fb group chats and emails, the Stand Up lot have been apart from each other for three weeks over Easter. Today was the first day back, and boy was it an important one!

We decided to hold a meeting with each other and our publicist. Not only did we want to catch up with each other, bring up any issues we have and check that no one’s dying of stress, but we also needed some organisational help to get us through the final month.

There was the small issue of the general election vote being held the day after we were set to go to print, the issue of not knowing how to fit content for it into our magazine, and figuring out where all our articles will be going in the mag. The decision was made to go to print two days later than originally planned. This means that on the 8th June, we’re going to be pulling an all-nighter trying to get live content from the general election result into the mag ready for 3pm the following day. As if Theresa May hasn’t p***ed us off enough already, she’s now given us a crap load more work to do.

However, getting organised already feels like a huge help. We now know where we have gaps in the magazine, and are thinking about possible content to cover the general election.

The afternoon wasn’t all stressful though, we got ourselves a £2 glass jar from Wilko’s, popped a ‘Brexit Jar’ label on it and boom, we have a Brexit jar. Every time anyone says that dreaded B word, they have to pop another coin in the jar. The money we end up with by June will be put towards the printing costs for our magazine, just to give our crowdfunding campaign a little boost.

We also filmed ourselves writing down our own personal predictions of what will happen in the 2017 general election — keep your eyes peeled as the edited video of that will be coming to a computer screen near you. We’ll be opening up and revealing the predictions on the night of the 8th June. Fingers crossed at least one of our predictions is correct.

We always knew May/June would be tough, but after today, it’s really sunk in how much more work we have to do. It’s pretty scary and daunting, it must be said, but it’s also quite exciting to think how close we are to having the finished product. We’re working so hard on it and we just hope that all of this effort pays off.

There could be tears. There could be hair pulling. There could even be blood. Watch this space…

