Stanford Alumni
Stanford Alumni
Published in
1 min readOct 6, 2017


EEvery few years, we ask a representative sample of alumni to share insights about their feelings, engagement and interest in Stanford offerings. This year we heard from 3,300 alumni and we used this feedback to refine our program and service offerings for all alumni. Here are some recent improvements we made:

  • Increased communications to grad-only alumni, especially those in the schools of humanities & sciences; engineering; Earth, energy & environmental sciences; and education, to make them aware of offerings available to them
  • Expanded our “Stanford Where You Live” newsletter to help alumni who live far from campus take advantage of virtual learning opportunities
  • Expanded our presence on Facebook and Instagram and developed new content to reach younger alumni
  • Offered more work-life “news you can use” stories in the Loop newsletter in response to alumni interest in content related to their personal and professional lives

