Student interns in Nicaragua & Tokyo reflect on their first week abroad

Stanford Global Studies
Stanford Global Perspectives
3 min readJul 17, 2017

The following students are participating in the Stanford Global Studies Internship Program this summer:

Shannon Chiu: blueEnergy in Nicaragua

Shannon on a boat on the Rio Escondido river during a weekend trip to Mahogany, near Bluefields.

“My first week in Bluefields, Nicaragua, was extremely tiring because this place feels like a different world. It was difficult adapting to living in a place with less water security and food security than any other country that I have ever visited.

Here in Bluefields, there is no central water system, so people use wells or other rainwater catchment systems to supply their house and their gardens. Because of this, the tap water is not safe to drink and we have to be very careful to drink only filtered water. In addition, it is very difficult to grow a diverse variety of vegetables and fruits here because of the soil conditions, compared to the Pacific Coast of Nicaragua. As a solution, blueEnergy uses its own technologies to supply its campus — they have their own wells and water tanks that supply the water we use to drink, cook, and shower. They use permaculture techniques for their “huertos,” or gardens, where they plant vegetables and fruits that we eat at our meals. I thought it was impressive to see that blueEnergy uses all of its solutions, which they implement in rural communities outside of Bluefields, to essentially be self-sufficient in these difficult living conditions.

As for the surrounding city of Bluefields, I have enjoyed exploring this lively, small town so far. Everyone knows everyone else here, so we have to get used to being stared at whenever we are walking around. The small taxis that cost 12 cordobas ($0.30 USD) per person are always blasting loud “dancehall” music, and everyone seems so joyful and relaxed. I am excited for my summer in this wonderful city!”

Tyler Cho: Rogers Investment Advisors in Japan

Tyler with Stanford alumni host at Rogers Investment Advisors and former Stanford students who participated in the internship program and now live and work in Tokyo.

“I was very impressed with both my host organization and internship country/city. My first week of internship work at Rogers Investment Advisors was extremely educational. I got started right away building company models, doing market research, and creating a database for the Asian hedge fund universe. The interns also received lectures from the firm’s employees on different financial topics. I have thoroughly enjoyed my internship experience thus far. My impressions of Tokyo/Japan were equally as positive. I was very surprised by how friendly all the Japanese were to me in helping me find my way around the city. I was also impressed with the quality of the food and the cleanliness of the city. All in all, a great first week abroad!”

For more information about the internship program, visit the program’s website at



Stanford Global Studies
Stanford Global Perspectives

A community of 14 Stanford University programs that provides students & scholars with unique opportunities to explore the complexities of our globalized world.