SOLD OUT! — Star Atlas Sells All Five Thousand Pre-Sale Crew Pack Bundles in Less Than 24 Hours After Solana Crossroads Event

Star Atlas
Star Atlas
Published in
6 min readMay 15, 2024

In a dazzling demonstration of passion and excitement, the Star Atlas community has swept all five thousand Pre-Sale Crew Pack bundles from the galactic marketplace. This collective purchase of over 450K USDC took less than 24 hours after Michael Wagner, ATMTA’s CEO, announced the start of the pre-sale during his presentation at the Solana Crossroads event. Dive into the highlights of his speech and the details of the Crew Campaign in our summary below.

The Search For The Dream Team — Star Atlas Community Buys All Pre-Sale Crew Pack Bundles

The biggest highlight of the Star Atlas presentation at Solana Crossroads was the Crew Packs announcement. Since the inception of Star Atlas, players have dreamed about diverse crew members — men, women, androids, and aliens — that would join their fleets and explore the galaxy.

So, it was no surprise that once Michael Wagner declared Crew Members would be deployed by the end of Q2/2024 and that the pre-sale was starting immediately, the Star Atlas community reacted as if a Genesium Bomb had been dropped from the skies.

The results exceeded the team’s expectations. All five thousand Platinum Presale 10 Card Packs, containing 50,000 crew of platinum rarity (the highest tier, as explained in our announcement article), sold for over 450K USDC in under 24 hours from Michael’s announcement on the Solana Crossroads main stage.

Now, thousands of unique crew members with different aptitudes, names, stories, and potential await the day they will leave their stasis pods and reunite with their captains. Choosing the right crew members will be crucial since they play key roles in many in-game systems and progression tasks, making them vital for success in the Galia Expanse.

Speaking of in-game use cases for crew, their utility spans a wide range of features. In the immediate term, they can be deployed in SAGE Starbased to handle crafting jobs. Looking ahead, they’ll serve as your in-game avatar in Unreal Engine 5, level up and acquire gear through the Mobile Companion App, or simply rock the most epic PFPs ever produced! As the game evolves, even more unique utilities for your loyal crew members will be introduced, making them indispensable assets in your Star Atlas journey!

If you missed out on the pre-sale Crew Pack bundles, don’t worry! The actual sales of Crew Packs, including every rarity tier — silver, gold, and platinum — will soon be available on the Galactic Marketplace. Keep a close eye on our communication and social media channels for updates.

To learn more about the role of crew members in Star Atlas, their utility, and perks, please check out our latest article here!

Project Rosegarden — The Construction of a Galaxy

Another highlight of the presentation that had Star Atlas fans and the Crossroads audience thrilled was the announcement of Project Rosegarden.

The cinematic video, which you can watch by clicking here, showcases the foundation blocks of the Sogmian District on the ONI Faction Central Space Station in the Star Atlas metaverse. Although still in development, the sheer magnitude, proportions, and design of the in-game engine assets allowed the audience to dream about the future of the metaverse — a place where millions of players from around the world can live and engage in magnificent cities and environments full of life, secrets, and activities, all in a single instance powered by the scaling technology of Metagravity.

In his presentation, Michael pointed out that each plot in that district, along with other districts being built, will be owned by players who have acquired residential plots in the Galactic Marketplace. He also hinted that this was just the beginning of Star Atlas’ ventures into the possibilities of Unreal Engine 5. With new level designers joining the team, there might be more exciting developments on the Rosegarden front this year…

Project Fleet Command — Taking Star Atlas Golden Era to the Unreal Board

Just when the Crossroads audience thought the presentation was over, Michael unveiled another mind-blowing video related to our newest development for Star Atlas Golden Era (SAGE, for the insiders). This surprise reveal had the community buzzing with excitement as the pieces moved to the unreal chessboard.

Project Fleet Command brings the unique galactic free-market economy experience from the browser to the Unreal world. The high fidelity of this beautiful engine allows for another level of player immersion. It will also include every in-game mechanic available on SAGE, including upcoming updates like combat, the next expansion in our galactic epic.

Showroom Update R2.2 — Star Atlas Introduces Open Access and Persistent Gameplay Loops in Unreal Engine 5

To close his presentation, Michael announced that 2024 is the year Star Atlas goes public with our R2.2 release. This means leaving the closed beta state and starting a full-fledged RPG experience with persistent asset progression and repeatable, competitive gameplay loops.

If you check the Star Atlas Roadmap, you’ll see many exciting features and gameplay loops scheduled for this next release, such as Combat Racing, On-chain Mission Generator, On-chain Ships Configuration, Character and Account progression, Scaled Multiplayer Servers, and much more! This will surely be the biggest milestone in Star Atlas history so far, so make sure you’re prepared with your crew and fleets!

Last but not least, we are sincerely grateful for the support of our community and the overall Solana ecosystem during the Crossroads event. We will keep moving forward fearlessly, driving innovation without fear of breaking stuff!


Star Atlas is a next-gen gaming metaverse emerging from the confluence of state-of-the-art blockchain technologies, real-time graphics and multiplayer video games.

Using Unreal Engine 5’s Nanite real-time graphics technology allows for cinematic quality video game visuals. In addition, blockchain technology using Solana establishes a largely serverless and secured gameplay experience. Player assets obtained and traded within Star Atlas create an economy that replicates tangible world assets and ownership.

To learn more, join a faction at, get a spaceship in the Galactic Marketplace, and start playing the SAGE Labs browser game to explore, gather, craft and prosper on the galactic frontier.

Then, download the UE5 PC Game from the Epic Games Store.

Participate in governance of the Star Atlas DAO. Send your spaceships on a deep space mission by enrolling them in a Faction Fleet and harvest resources with Faction Claims.

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Star Atlas
Star Atlas

Star Atlas is a metaverse introducing a unique gaming experience by harnessing the power of traditional core game and blockchain mechanics.