Star Atlas DAO Lays Foundation for Sustainable Governance in Gaming

Star Atlas
Star Atlas
Published in
4 min readJul 6, 2023

The inaugural on-chain POLIS Improvement Proposal (PIP-1) introduces the Star Atlas DAO on-chain governance mechanisms, the Star Atlas Constitution, and the real-world Star Atlas Foundation.

Star Atlas DAO Logo /// Self-Sovereign Permissionless Metaverse Governance /// Power to the People

The Star Atlas Decentralized Autonomous Organization (Star Atlas DAO) has been at the forefront of decentralized gaming development and sustainable governance since its launch in 2021 and subsequent release of web-accessible governance platform in 2022, and continues to deliver on its community-first and community-driven ethos.

Governing the Star Atlas metaverse, a pioneering force in web3 gaming, the Star Atlas DAO is taking measures to shape decision-making for future direction of the game.

The declaration of the first POLIS Improvement Proposal (PIP-1) brings a way to enshrine decentralized, permissionless decision-making. It sets a new standard for sustainable governance in games where participants are able to have their say in a fully transparent, permissionless system.

“The submission of the first PIP to establish the Star Atlas DAO is a key moment in the evolution of game development. It is a milestone for a sustainable, participatory governance system where everyone can have a say in shaping the Star Atlas metaverse, and directly contribute to the game they’re playing.”

— Michael Wagner, Co-founder of Star Atlas and CEO of ATMTA

POLIS Improvement Proposal (PIP-1)

As a foundational proposal for the governance process, PIP-1 contains a bundle of three key articles defining the present and future operation of the Star Atlas DAO. It is submitted by ATMTA, Inc., the principal developers of Star Atlas.

  • Article 1 is the Blockchain Supremacy Clause, defining the Star Atlas DAO as a set of programs that operate autonomously on the decentralized, permissionless blockchain of Solana.
  • Article 2 sets forth the Star Atlas Constitution, defines the governance framework, its parameters and processes, based on three guiding principles: Ensuring high quality and safety, being community owned and community built, and striving for a resilient, sustainable ecosystem.
  • Article 3 ratifies the operations of the Star Atlas Foundation, a real-world agent protecting and conducting legal and business actions on behalf of the Star Atlas DAO.

“We are excited to see PIP-1 voted on by the Star Atlas community’s DAO participants. This initial proposal is crucial for establishing the ground rules of a self-governing polity.”

— Michael Wagner, Co-founder of Star Atlas and CEO of ATMTA

The PIP Deliberation Process

POLIS Improvement Proposals including PIP-1 are going to be accessible at, where the community can explore proposal details, make public comments and respond to others.

The publication of a PIP is the first of four distinct phases (4D) on the road to ratification. Each phase has a specific name and purpose:

  • Declaration: A PIP is published and submitted to the Star Atlas DAO
  • Deliberation: The Star Atlas DAO members submit Comments and conducts non-binding Public Interest Voting, with at least one live debate session scheduled
  • Decision: PIP goes to the official, on-chain vote
  • Democratic Convergence: PIP is ratified, opening the door for additional PIPs, including community ideation

Willing participants may join the process for PIPs on the Star Atlas DAO Governance website.

Star Atlas DAO Proposal Process /// PIP — POLIS Improvement Proposal /// Self-Sovereign Permissionless Metaverse Governance

What is the Star Atlas DAO

The Star Atlas DAO is a set of Solana based smart contracts that control the intricate ecosystem of the Star Atlas metaverse. They encompass game development, economic and treasury management, and other improvements both within and outside of the game itself. This inclusive and sustainable governance model allows players to have a direct influence over the evolution of the metaverse.

The role of POLIS in the Star Atlas DAO

A PIP serves as an open invitation to all who have locked POLIS tokens in the POLIS Locker Electorate System, encouraging them to join the governance process. This unique system underlines the importance of self-sovereign gaming and community ownership to the Star Atlas ecosystem.

Players can explore the Star Atlas metaverse, built on the Solana blockchain, where all in-game assets are player-owned. This approach paves the way for guilds to become Decentralized Autonomous Corporations (DACs), further promoting community ownership.

All interested players are encouraged to visit and take an active part in shaping the Star Atlas metaverse and setting a precedent for the future of Web3 gaming and governance. The future of gaming is here, and it is more inclusive, participatory, and exciting than ever before.

Power to the People!

Learn more about what the Star Atlas DAO is and how it works.

Participate in the Star Atlas DAO governance here.


Star Atlas is a next-gen gaming metaverse emerging from the confluence of state-of-the-art blockchain, real-time graphics, multiplayer video games, and decentralized financial technologies.

Using Unreal Engine 5’s Nanite, real-time graphics technology allows for cinematic quality video game visuals. In addition, blockchain technology using the Solana protocol establishes a largely serverless and secured gameplay experience. Non-fungible tokens obtained and traded within Star Atlas create an economy that replicates tangible world assets and ownership. To learn more, visit, join a faction at, send your spaceships on a deep space mission by enrolling them in a Faction Fleet, harvesting resources with Faction Claims and download the Showroom on your PC. Hunt for treasures by playing Escape Velocity. Participate in governance of the Star Atlas DAO.


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Star Atlas
Star Atlas

Star Atlas is a metaverse introducing a unique gaming experience by harnessing the power of traditional core game and blockchain mechanics.