Start Your Engines: Star Atlas Showroom 2.1 Game Release Begins the Racing Season

Star Atlas
Star Atlas
Published in
9 min readJun 2, 2023


New update of the Unreal Engine 5 feature on the Epic Games Store brings a whole new way to experience gameplay on Solana

Volant Station Racing Track /// A Metaverse in Expansion /// We Are Star Atlas

The newest update of the Showroom Release 2.1 brings wild racing tracks of the Volant Station, jetpacks, new flyable ships, and much more.

The main release feature is the Volant Station Racing Track. This pillar is the foundation for several new gameplay loops and systems, such as the racer career path and in-game competitions, which allow Star Atlas players to materialize their needs for speed in the beautiful galaxy rendered in Unreal Engine 5.

Nevertheless, we have many new cool features alongside our racing protocol, and you will find everything you need to know about the components of R2.1 here.

Take a look at every feature we are releasing in this module:

  • Ground Racing single player with shooting
  • 49 different flight-ready ships
  • UE5 in-game marketplace integration for ship acquisition.
  • Test Flight Protocol
  • Jetpacking — base tier
  • Photographer career mode — tier 0
  • Performance improvements and optimization
  • Dogfight updated (level update)
  • Experimental mode toggle

Following our release theme, let’s start our engines and deep dive into the main attraction of R2.1, the legendary Volant Station Racing Track!

The Volant Station Racing Track

Live to Fly, Fly to Live. /// A Metaverse in Light Speed Expansion /// We Are Star Atlas

The thrill of speed is a fascination that echoes across the MUD species. With the wind biting your face, every muscle straining against your vehicle’s controls, fear and exhilaration fused with every sharp turn, there’s truly nothing that can make you feel more alive than controlling your destiny on a racing track.

Prepare to embark on an immersive journey with the most captivating racing metaverse experience yet.

In Release 2.1 (R2.1), you can either challenge your ground racing skills while vying for a place on the global leaderboard or master the mechanics of racing for your own enjoyment — including ship weapons and items that can be found during the race accessible right from the start.

Experience each ship’s distinct weight, performance, speed, and design. The better you understand your vessel(s), the better you’ll be on the track.

This way, you can ascend the leaderboard and win in-game assets by hitting the best times during the competitions.

You can also challenge your friends to a friendly race, an excellent practice for the upcoming update that will set the stage for grand and thrilling competitions.

If you aspire to become a grandmaster racer in the future of Star Atlas, the Volant Station Racing Track is your launch pad.

Next, we will delve into marketplace integration and the new racing ships in the Showroom.

Marketplace Integration, New Flyable Ships, and our Test Flight Protocol!

Integration, the Mother of Economic Development. /// A Metaverse in Light Speed Expansion /// We Are Star Atlas

Another exciting feature in R2.1 is the seamless integration of the Galactic Marketplace with the Showroom.

Now, players can purchase ships within the Unreal Engine 5 module itself and immediately unleash their potential. In this initial release, sales are limited to ships, but future updates will extend to all products within the Star Atlas Marketplace.

This update comes at a thrilling time, as all 49 ships presently available in Star Atlas will be flyable and fully equipped with weapons, ready to shoot anything in sight in any of the game modes — although not all will be available for racing. You will notice that ship systems have been updated, and your display will show you many new aspects of your vessel.

We have also reached the final stage for seven exceptional ships:

  • The Pearce X4 — Pearce Industries’ introductory fighter ship.
  • The Opal Jet — Opal Manufacturer’s flagship racing ship.
  • The Fimbul Lowbie — The stylish transport vehicle from Medium Zone Manufacturer Fimbul.
  • The Fimbul Airbike — The most affordable racer in the Galaxy, compliments of Fimbul.
  • The Pearce X6 — The standard patrol ship for Council of Peace forces, engineered by Pearce Industries.
  • The Fimbul Ecos Unibomba — The entry-level bomber for the ECOS Faction.
  • The Floyd Liner — A one-of-a-kind ship, not available for purchase.

Celebrating the R2.1 release, the ship manufacturers have started a unique campaign, the Test Flight protocol, allowing players to try different vessels for a limited time without owning them.

Every three days, two manufacturers will allow Star Atlas citizens to test ships up to the large size category. This is an excellent way to get acquainted with the ships you’re eyeing and check if they align with your in-game desires before acquiring them.

Now, let us move towards the next feature, Jetpacks.

Fly Around Volant Station with a Jetpack and Capture the Moment as a Photographer — the First Social Career

A Zen Moment in Space. /// A Metaverse in Light Speed Expansion /// We Are Star Atlas


The ultimate wish-list item for Punaabs youngsters is now accessible to all players in the Showroom. Your foot thrusters, the initial tier of jetpacks, will catapult you stylishly to any corner of the Volant Station.

It’s worth noting that this new tool is entirely free. We want our players to familiarize themselves with aerial mobility and tactics — vital skills for survival within the depths of the Star Atlas galaxy.

Rumors abound that jetpacks may be crucial for dynamic and engaging activities in Star Atlas’s future, so make sure you familiarize yourself with this nifty gadget!

And what better way to do this than by exploring the new areas unveiled in this release? Volant Station has grown more extensive and refined, and our players can uncover numerous secrets by delving into the recesses of the MUD home world.

And now you can document these discoveries with a unique new in-game career: Photography!

As a Showroom photographer, you will compete against other players in regular contests to capture the most stunning angles of Volant Station’s diverse elements using our photography mode.

Win one of those competitions, and Star Atlas will mint your photography into NFTs, giving you a complete supply of photos you can sell on the Galactic Marketplace so people can showcase your work as posters or share with your friends free of charge.

The choice is entirely yours.

Each competition will have its own set of rules, and we will provide you with a step-by-step guide on how to engage in this epic competition. For the time being, focus on refining your skills and learning about the different environments and assets that exist in the Showroom!

Finally, as you glide around the station and capture unique moments with your camera, you’ll observe that the scenery and graphics have been significantly optimized, and most of the bugs from our previous version have been fixed.

So, make sure to explore every nook and cranny — our Unreal team has poured their hearts into creating the future of gaming as breathtaking as possible for you!

The Combat Simulation Upgrade to Prepare You for What Is to Come

The new Dogfight Arena. /// A Metaverse in Light Speed Expansion /// We Are Star Atlas

The exhilarating thrill of ship battles, the ultimate hallmark of sci-fi universes, is unparalleled.

The surge of raw emotion as you pit your skills against rivals, darting around asteroids and debris, is a feeling that is reignited every time we encounter depictions in pictures or movies of this genre.

For Star Atlas, we’ve taken another substantial leap toward bringing this dream to life. Our dedicated dog fighting arena, the epicenter of our game’s space combat, has undergone a sweeping overhaul across all features, and we’re excited to guide you through these enhancements.

Foremost among our updates is the integration of the Gameplay Ability System (GAS) into the showroom.

This advanced feature, a product of Unreal Engine, is a highly adaptable framework that empowers developers to craft unique abilities and attributes for characters and vessels within the game. This enables us to devise unique mechanics and effects in Star Atlas gameplay.

With the introduction of GAS, we can, for instance, impose a debuff on each ship’s performance as they take damage or create conditions for characters afflicted with unusual diseases.

This opens up an entirely new realm of diversity in developing the distinct traits and abilities of each character and ship within our metaverse. GAS is a considerably more potent and intricate tool than what most traditional RPGs and MMOs have hitherto utilized.

Beyond this, we have reimagined the entire arena, expanding it to make it far more dynamic and riveting.

While we don’t wish to divulge too much, one key update is that you’ll now be able to summon ships up to a large size to the arena using any of the numerous landing pads dotted throughout the area!

So, indeed, you can now employ your Ogrika Thripid to fend off the NPC attackers hurtling towards you or any other ships you wish to command, as long as they’re the same size or smaller.

Shifting the focus to hostile forces, we’ve reengineered the wave system in the arena, raising the bar of difficulty. You’re now faced with up to twelve tiers of deadly ships vying for your downfall. Good luck surviving this onslaught and securing a spot on the leaderboard!

Armed with this new arsenal of features, you’ll be primed and ready for the forthcoming releases in the Star Atlas metaverse.

Fight our NPC fleet, climb the leaderboard ranks, and achieve glory in the Volant Station training grounds!

The Experimental Modes — A Peak Into The Future

The New Arena /// A Metaverse in Light Speed Expansion /// We Are Star Atlas

In addition to the updates above, we have carefully picked some delightful surprises for our players in this upcoming release. They are nested under the “Experimental Modes” section and hold fascinating revelations.

Without revealing any spoilers, these exclusive modes have been engineered to offer sneak peeks into Star Atlas’s exciting future. Moreover, they will provide opportunities for you to engage with features that play a crucial role in our game’s lore and evolution.

So, are you geared up to unravel the secrets embedded in our Showroom Release 2.1?

Don’t forget to add Star Atlas to your wishlist on the Epic Game Store.

In case you need a game key to partake in our closed-access, the solution is simple — either secure one of your ships in our SCORE Program for a week or uncover an access key whilst participating in Escape Velocity, our enthralling browser-based treasure hunt!

No matter which path you choose, just make sure you seize this golden opportunity to be an integral part of gaming’s future!

So don’t waste a single moment. Join the first train in our brand new station and join the citizens of Galia Expanse on their exploration of the Volant Station!

We are eagerly awaiting your arrival!


Star Atlas is a next-gen gaming metaverse emerging from the confluence of state-of-the-art blockchain, real-time graphics, multiplayer video games, and decentralized financial technologies.

Using Unreal Engine 5’s Nanite, real-time graphics technology allows for cinematic quality video game visuals. In addition, blockchain technology using the Solana protocol establishes a largely serverless and secured gameplay experience. Non-fungible tokens obtained and traded within Star Atlas create an economy that replicates tangible world assets and ownership. To learn more, visit, join a faction at, send your spaceships on a deep space mission by enrolling them in a Faction Fleet, harvesting resources with Faction Claims and download the Showroom on your PC. Hunt for treasures by playing Escape Velocity.


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The updates in this report are provided for informational purposes only about the Star Atlas game and metaverse, for which ATMTA, Inc. is the lead developer. Except for statements of historical fact, the statements included herein are forward-looking statements that are based on the beliefs of ATMTA, Inc.’s management as well as assumptions made by and information currently available to ATMTA, Inc.’s management. Although ATMTA, Inc.’s management believes these forward-looking statements are based on reasonable assumptions, there can be no assurance that forward-looking statements will prove to be accurate, as actual results and future events could differ materially from those anticipated in such statements. ATMTA, Inc. undertakes no obligation to update forward-looking statements if circumstances or management’s estimates or opinions should change except as required under applicable law. These forward-looking statements are, by their nature, subject to significant risks and uncertainties and include, without limitation, statements about ATMTA, Inc.’s business prospects, future developments, industry and market trends and conditions, strategies, objectives, and goals. These statements are not guarantees of future performance and undue reliance should not be placed on them. No financial, tax, or legal advice is given or implied.



Star Atlas
Star Atlas

Star Atlas is a metaverse introducing a unique gaming experience by harnessing the power of traditional core game and blockchain mechanics.