The Path Towards Tomorrow: Phase 2 — CSS Land Plot and Claim Stake Sales

Star Atlas
Star Atlas
Published in
16 min readNov 29, 2022

As a successful first week of the Golden Era Start Sequence draws to a close, two experts share all the information for participating in Part II of the plan involving mining claim stakes and Central Space Station habitats

Your New Home Among the Stars Awaits /// Triple-A Metaverse Work in Progress /// Immersive Unreal Engine 5 Experience

Welcome Galactic Explorers!

After a brief introduction, this article discloses the necessary information for our players regarding two special offers:

  1. The sale of land plots on each main faction-specific Central Space Station (CSS)
  2. The sale of claim stakes for mining activities


As a huge crowd gathers in the Great Hall of the Council of Peace Assembly, a well-dressed Sogmian ascends to the podium.

A glance at the assembled audience would note a wide range of individuals, from members of the Gotti family to face-scarred captains who share more than a passing resemblance to the bounty posters that flood the Most Wanted list on the galaxy news channels. All are here for the same reason.

With the first phase of the Path Towards Tomorrow program already a success, this next phase is focused on two of the galaxy’s most desired economic segments, real estate and mining operations.

The excitement in the room is palpable. Solo explorers and members of every faction and guild want to know how the Council will approach this next step. Everyone falls silent as the young but confident Sogmian begins her speech.

“Welcome, Citizens of the galaxy. My name is Elenzul, Director of Habitation for the Council of Peace. I would like to start by thanking everyone present for their support of the Council’s efforts to address the rising tensions in the area known as the medium-risk zone.

I would also like to thank the leadership of each one of the Factions who so generously agreed to sell a part of their Central Space Station territories to support the Council in this time of need. This reinforces the great galactic society that we have built together and that we will protect against any threat.”

The Sogmian paused for a moment to look at the crowd. “I will be providing all the information regarding this initiative, while my friend, Mr. Yim Armstrong, will be later addressing the partnership between the Council and Armstrong Industries regarding the sale of claim stakes.

Let me start by sharing with you exactly what we are making available on December 20th at 12PM (EST).”

The following is a condensed version of the information that Elenzul shared with the audience.

Sale of Residential Land Plots on Central Space Stations

The sale of land plots will correspond to 10% of the total residential area of each Faction CSS, divided into 6 different tiers.

Buyers will be able to find a suitable home for yourselves or your organization by choosing a plot in the faction CSS of your choice.

As most of you know, Central Space Stations are the heart of each faction, being in the most protected place in the galaxy, the Low Risk Zone. Players who acquire property on these stations will be able to live inside these seats of power and become part of an exclusive community.

This sale will occur in four different tranches in which the supply from Tier 0 to Tier 4 will be put to sale in groups of assets, and as soon as one of them is sold out, the next tranche will be made available for purchase. Note: Tier 5 plots will be available throughout the sale process.

By acquiring land plots at this event, you will be entitled to be part of a VIP priority-access listing on the sale of commercial land at the station in the future. This will be restricted, of course, to commercial land of the same tier as the one you acquire in the coming sale.

This is not the only advantage of acquiring residential land at this sale. Each tier of land will come with its own benefits. Things like the habitations, which would otherwise be bought separately, will be included in the land plot sales. Additionally, buyers will receive a group of ships befitting their plot selection. And finally, all participants will receive a commemorative cosmetic NFT, memorializing participation in this historic event.

The land acquired in this sale, aside from the privilege of living in some of the galaxy’s most exclusive neighborhoods in the future UE5 world of Star Atlas, also brings utility as soon as the SAGE game is released, enabling our players to store and craft resources with benefits depending on the different tier of plot acquired.

Finally, all prices in the article below are shown without the discounts programmed for this event, meaning that:

  • In the first tranche of 2.5% of total inventory (out of 10% of total supply offered in this sale), the prices disclosed in this article will be offered at a 15% discount. All Tier 5 inventory and 50% of Tier 4 inventory (one per faction) will be sold in this tranche.
  • In the second tranche of 2.5%, the prices will be offered at a 10% discount. The remaining 50% (one per faction) of Tier 4 inventory will be sold in this tranche.
  • In the third tranche of 2.5%, the discount will decrease to 5%.
  • From the fourth tranche of 2.5% onward, the prices disclosed in this article will have no discount.

Without further ado, let’s discuss the different tiers of plots.

The Different Tiers of Land and their Benefits

Find out about the differences in Central Space Station land types, divided into tiers. Among them is a perfect place for you and your guild to find a home.

Base Tier

Base Tier WIP / ONI Central Space Station / Fully Immersive UE5 Experience

The entry-level Base Tier habitation costs $80 (USDC) before discount and comes with a supply of 12,300 units on offer. Base Tier habitations will consist of apartments under the main levels of the space station in special tower condos that expand below.

Note: They will not be individualized land plots. Instead, they will be private residences that you can access within the inner level of each space station by entering the tower condos.

This will be your home inside the station, and you will be able to fill it with furniture and decorations in predetermined spots, with a choice of interior paint, while also storing your personal cargo and crafting your basic resources.

This is the best choice for someone who wants to have an individual place inside the capital of the factions and is not worried about space or ostentation.

BASE TIER | Price — $80 | Rarity — Common | 5x5x5m

12,300 Units Available (4,100 per Faction) / 123,000 Lifetime Supply (41,000 per Faction)

Base Tier Hab | Exclusive Interior Hab Paint | Crafting Station — XXS | Cargo Storage — Tier 0 | Tier 0 Badge

Tier 1 Land

Tier 1 WIP / ONI Central Space Station / Fully Immersive UE5 Experience

A Tier 1 land plot will cost $1,610 (USDC) before discount, and comes with a total supply of 471 units. Unlike the base tiers, these land plots are on the surface of each of the Central Space Stations on the outer edges of the residential neighborhoods, meaning that anyone who walks through these quarters will be able to individually see the location of their property.

Also, different from the base tier, the Tier 1 properties will allow for external painting and customization of the assets.

Should you have a friend or metaverse love-interest that wants to go on space adventures with you, the Tier 1 properties will offer enough space for two people in its 72.25 square meters plot.

For the benefits of owning a plot of Tier 1 land, you will have a bigger cargo storage space, a Tier 1 resident badge, and a more efficient crafting station, as well as two bonuses not included in the previous tier: your very own landing pad for XXS ships and a shiny new Calico Scud ship to go with it.

This way, you will be able to happily wander through the many floors of the CSS with ease and style while always having a place to park your vessel.

TIER 1 | Price — $1,610 | Rarity — Uncommon | 8.5x8.5x10m

471 Available (157 per Faction) / 4,704 Lifetime Supply (1,568 per Faction)

CSS Hab — Tier 1 | Exclusive Interior Hab Paint | Exclusive Exterior Hab Paint | Crafting Station — XS | Landing Pad — XXS | Cargo Storage — Tier 1 | Tier 1 Badge

Ship: Calico Scud

Tier 2 Land

Tier 2 WIP / ONI Central Space Station / Fully Immersive UE5 Experience

The Tier 2 land plot will cost $9,300 (USDC) before discount and comes with a total supply of 102 units. The Tier 2 land consists of more substantial properties, with a more sophisticated structure for the buyers looking to live in the medium zone of the residential area.

These properties, which span a total area of 1,260 square meters, allow for a group of four space explorers to live comfortably on its premises. Or, if you are looking to make a couple more ATLAS, you can rent a room on your property.

Tier 2 land will provide a more robust version of the benefits provided by Tier 1, as described below, along with a shiny new Calico Maxhog, as a bonus.

This property is great for small groups looking to live and conduct business in the area of the space station or neighboring systems.

TIER 2 | Price — $9,300 | Rarity — Rare | 42x30x10m

102 Available (34 per Faction) / 1,020 Lifetime Supply (340 per Faction)

CSS Hab — Tier 2 | Exclusive Interior Hab Paint | Exclusive Exterior Hab Paint | Crafting Station — Small / Landing Pad — XXS | Cargo Storage — Tier 2 | Tier 2 Badge

Ships: Calico Scud | Calico Maxhog

Tier 3 Land

Tier 3 WIP / ONI Central Space Station / Fully Immersive UE5 Experience

A Tier 3 land plot will cost $20,000 (USDC) before discount, and comes with a total supply of 81 units. These are luxury properties in the inner part of the residential area of the CSS. It’s designed to be an elegant, exclusive, and enjoyable residence for its buyers.

The galactic mansions of the Tier 3 land plot will be built with an area of 3,234 square meters, allowing it to house the total crew of two large ships in lavish style. We envision these properties to be shared by entire guild squadrons or the headquarters of smaller organizations.

This property is so big that it even comes with its own exclusive pet house, aside from an amplified version of the benefits of the previous tier.

Also, a golden Ogrika Niruch will be yours if you manage to acquire this real estate jewel.

TIER 3 | Price — $20,000 | Rarity — Epic | 42x77x20m

81 Available (27 per Faction) / 804 Lifetime Supply (268 per Faction)

CSS Hab — Tier 3 | Exclusive Interior Hab Paint | Exclusive Exterior Hab Paint | Crafting Station — Small | Landing Pad — XS | Cargo Storage — Tier 3 | Exclusive Pet House | Tier 3 Badge

Ships: Calico Scud | Calico Maxhog | Ogrika Niruch

Tier 4 Land

Tier 4 WIP / ONI Central Space Station / Fully Immersive UE5 Experience

A Tier 4 land plot will cost $180,000.00 (USDC) before discount and come with a total supply of 6 units. Few things across the galaxy showcase material wealth as much as a Tier 4 residence. Located in the highly sought-after inner area of the CSS, every one of these plots is a symbol of their owner’s privileged status and power among the factions of Star Atlas.

On this level, residences are big enough to be considered villas, allowing scores of beings to live in the most comfortable and flamboyant way possible. Only a special type of individual or institution would be able to acquire such an uplifting and glorious architectural wonder as their home and/or headquarters.

Aside from the status and power, this plot will come with all the perks of the previous tiers, while also giving you a unique sculpture for your yard and the newest data runner of Opal Industries, the Rayfam.

TIER 4 | Price — $180,000 | Rarity — Legendary | 70x130x40m

6 Available (2 per Faction) / 72 Lifetime Supply (24 per Faction)

CSS Hab — Tier 4 | Exclusive Interior Hab Paint | Exclusive Exterior Hab Paint | Crafting Station — Medium | Landing Pad — Small | Cargo Storage — Tier 4 | Exclusive Pet House | Exclusive Sculpture | Tier 4 Badge

Ships: Calico Scud | Calico Maxhog | Ogrika Niruch | Opal Rayfam

Tier 5 Land

Tier 5 WIP / ONI Central Space Station / Fully Immersive UE5 Experience

A Tier 5 plot of land will cost $2,000,000 (USDC) before discount, and there are only 3 of them available.

A Tier 5 is, by definition, the pinnacle in residential real estate, with a specific area designed just for them. By purchasing such a property, you, your guild, or your organization make a bold statement that will be noticed by every citizen of that particular space station and beyond. At the same time, you and yours get to enjoy the ultimate in privilege, space and luxury that will never go out of style.

Throw a party. Host a wedding. Celebrate both at the same time on different floors! Everyone is welcome because there is room for all. A Tier 5 is more than just the exceptional habitat that includes an exclusive pet house, sculpture and array of free ships, including the previous four from Tier 4, along with a Fimbul Mamba EX. It’s knowing you own the nicest plot on the most coveted space structure in the galaxy.

And that is something no one can take away from you.

TIER 5 | Price — $2,000,000 | Rarity — Anomaly | 150x210x90m

3 Available (1 per Faction) / 12 Lifetime Supply (4 per Faction)

CSS Hab — Tier 5 | Exclusive Interior Hab Paint | Exclusive Exterior Hab Paint | Crafting Station — Medium | Landing Pad — Medium | Cargo Storage — Tier 5 | Exclusive Pet House | Exclusive Sculpture | Tier 5 Badge

Ships: Calico Scud | Calico Maxhog | Ogrika Niruch | Opal Rayfam | Fimbul Mamba EX

Mining Claim Stake WIP / Deep Space Frontier in LEO / Fully Immersive UE5 Experience

Claim Stakes

The crowd politely cheered the Sogmian executive for her thorough explanation, and after a few moments, an older, shorter, friendly-looking human took the stage.

“Hello and welcome to the Intro to Intergalactic Mining Information Session!

My name is Yim Armstrong. For those of you who associate that name with the ‘Godfather of Galactic Mining’, well, I won’t argue. And for those of you who thought the Godfather of Galactic Mining had been dead for many years, well, I won’t argue that either. But breathing or not, I am here to help! So please ask any questions that you have.

I know that some of you have been studying extraction tactics and strategies for years, waiting patiently to raise the funds to be able to try your hand at mining planets near and far. Others of you have only recently considered a career in extraction. No matter how you found your way here today, you are all welcome, and your timing is exceptional, as we are all about to experience a most rare opportunity.

As most of you know, in an effort to accelerate colonization of the Medium Zone, the Council of Peace has recently decided to put up for sale an unprecedented number of planetary claim stakes at dramatically reduced prices. I doubt we will see such a sale again in our lifetimes.

This truly marks the beginning of a Golden Era.

But perhaps I should take a step back.

For those of you just dipping your toes or paws into mining for the first time, you might be asking: what exactly are claim stakes? Well, that’s what I’m here for! Let me tell you all about these beauties!…

The following is a condensed version of the key information that Mr. Armstrong shared regarding Claim Stake sales, including how they relate to SCORE and SAGE in terms of utility, economic loops and gameplay mechanics.

Mining Operations and Claim Stakes Utility

Surface Mining Operation WIP / Deep Space Frontier / Fully Immersive UE5 Experience

Claim Stakes are physical objects that must be transported to a chosen planet in order to lay claim to a plot on its surface. Claiming a planetary plot grants you, the owner, access to extracting available local resources, being the first step in the mining industry gameplay loop.

After successfully acquiring a claim, you will need to install the proper infrastructure for planetary exploration, purchasing, supplying, and defending mining drills and power plants.

This will allow your claimed territory to start producing resources, and even to link planetary operations with orbiting space stations, to participate in intergalactic marketplace sales activities.

All of the claim stakes below will be activated in the first mainnet release of SAGE to enable mining, crafting and starbase building.

Looking further out in the long-term game of Star Atlas, extracting resources and using them to build new ships is one of the best ways to acquire additional assets, which can then be used for further exploration, resource extraction, purchase or assembly of additional ships, and perhaps even discovery of untold treasure.

For more information on the pricing and supply of mining claim stakes, keep an eye on our official channels.

In fact, for $32 you can pick up a Tier 1 claim. In SCORE, this level of claim will supply all of the R4 you need to power an XS ship. To power two XS ships, you would need two Tier 1 claims.

For $243, you can purchase a Tier 2 claim which will supply enough power in SCORE for a Small-sized ship. These power rates increase all the way up to a Legendary Tier 5 claim stake which will generate enough power in SCORE to power a Capital sized ship.

See the table below for more details on the available supply in this sale. The numbers only represents a portion of the total available supply.

Be aware that in order to discourage squatting, all deployed claim stakes are taxed, so an underutilized stake will be a drain on your wallet. However, this Harberger Tax implementation will arrive in the future, and will only apply to those stakes that have been placed on location. Dormant claim stakes held in a wallet are not subject to taxation.

Remember also that the COP will also make it possible to acquire mining drills, power plants, and space stations during this release.

In an effort to enable free market price discovery, and accounting for the existing inventory of claim stakes, drills, power plants, and space stations, these market pairs will be activated on the Galactic Marketplace one week in advance of the sale, starting on December 13 at 12PM (EST).

Each new Claim Stake bought during the Start Sequence will entitle the buyer to an airdrop of one Mining Drill and one Power Plant of the same Tier — for example, the buyer of one new Claim Stake Tier 1 will receive one Tier 1 Drill and one Tier 1 Power Plant. These items will be dropped to buyers after the whole Start Sequence campaign ends.

More of these Claim Stakes will be sold on the primary marketplace at a later point in the future: Newcomers in the galactic ecosystem will have the ability to purchase Claim Stakes in very limited and very carefully selected quantities, and we will ensure that quantities on offer match up with the size of the galactic ecosystem ahead of any release. We neither want nor anticipate faction members to purchase Claim Stakes based on their scarcity, but principally for their immense utility. We hope everyone will make the decision that is best for them based on the detailed information provided here.

Read more about the new Claim Stakes and a corresponding initiative by CARY Farm, a leading terrafarming manufacturer.

In Conclusion

For now, be aware that we’re living in a truly transformational moment. The future has never looked brighter — but only for those who take advantage of the current offers that will only be available for a limited time.

Seize the opportunity. The game has already begun!

Mining Claim Stake WIP / Deep Space Frontier / Fully Immersive UE5 Experience

For a limited time, you can find the ship sale here.

Read more about the background of the Golden Era Start Sequence and Our Path Towards Tomorrow.

Browse the full Start Sequence Asset Catalog [PDF].

If you purchased a Legacy Claim Stake on the secondary marketplace since this Announcement went live and you believe that you were negatively affected by the redemption process described here, please get in touch with the Star Atlas team via Discord.


Star Atlas is a next-gen gaming metaverse emerging from the confluence of state-of-the-art blockchain, real-time graphics, multiplayer video games, and decentralized financial technologies.

Using Unreal Engine 5’s Nanite, real-time graphics technology allows for cinematic quality video game visuals. In addition, blockchain technology using the Solana protocol establishes a largely serverless and secured gameplay experience. Non-fungible tokens obtained and traded within Star Atlas create an economy that replicates tangible world assets and ownership. To learn more, visit, join a faction at and send your spaceships on a deep space mission by enrolling them in a Faction Fleet.


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The updates in this report are provided for informational purposes only about the Star Atlas game and metaverse, for which ATMTA, Inc. is the lead developer. Except for statements of historical fact, the statements included herein are forward-looking statements that are based on the beliefs of ATMTA, Inc.’s management as well as assumptions made by and information currently available to ATMTA, Inc.’s management. Although ATMTA, Inc.’s management believes these forward-looking statements are based on reasonable assumptions, there can be no assurance that forward-looking statements will prove to be accurate, as actual results and future events could differ materially from those anticipated in such statements. ATMTA, Inc. undertakes no obligation to update forward-looking statements if circumstances or management’s estimates or opinions should change except as required under applicable law. These forward-looking statements are, by their nature, subject to significant risks and uncertainties and include, without limitation, statements about ATMTA, Inc.’s business prospects, future developments, industry and market trends and conditions, strategies, objectives, and goals. These statements are not guarantees of future performance and undue reliance should not be placed on them. No financial, tax, or legal advice is given or implied.



Star Atlas
Star Atlas

Star Atlas is a metaverse introducing a unique gaming experience by harnessing the power of traditional core game and blockchain mechanics.