Random Quotes Generator with React!

Akiko Green
Star Gazers
Published in
5 min readMar 13, 2021


In case you are interested in seeing the quotesGenerator component in action here is the link to my website: https://keeks5456.github.io/

Rupi Kur — Quotes and Humor

Everyone has their favorite quote(s) they love to either tell people, post about on their Facebook or get tattooed on their body to cherish forever!

If you are curious to know.. Yes! I personally am one of those people that has a quote that she cherishes dearly! Ask me about it if you want to know what it is haha!

This leads me to why I decided I wanted to include a random quotes generator in my website! I personally love the idea of finding inspirational quotes that I can relate to! Here’s one from The Office said by Michael Scott:

Quote by Michael Scott — Parade

Aside from the extremely funny quotes from the office, I admire motivational, inspirational, spiritual, and all kinds of other quotes!

Now to start this off, you’ll need to create your react application. To spare you the long details of how to create a react app from scratch, here are the documentation to help you get started.



Akiko Green
Star Gazers

Software Engineer, Novice Blogger, Indoor Climber and Dog sitting expert 🥰