How Disciplined Saturn Moving Direct Will Impact You Come 4 November 2023

Taskmaster Saturn has been retrograde for months, but it’s time for a change in your chart

Vida Renee


Photo by Nik on Unsplash

The Place Saturn Holds as it Transits

As Saturn transits the zodiac wheel, its influence represents a collective shift in the way we approach responsibility, structure, and maturity. This slow-moving planet’s movement through the signs highlights various areas of our lives where we are called to face challenges, make long-term commitments, and ultimately grow and evolve. Saturn’s energy can be demanding and often requires us to take a closer look at our ambitions, limitations, and the structures we’ve built in our lives. It serves as a cosmic taskmaster, urging us to take stock of our achievements and setbacks, encouraging personal growth and transformation. The collective impact of Saturn’s transits prompts societal and global changes, challenging us to collectively address and rectify systemic issues and limitations, as well as fostering a sense of responsibility and discipline on a broader scale.



Vida Renee

I love all things astrology! Join me in exploring natal placements and tracking transits whether it be planets entering signs or New and Full Moons.