Introducing Star in Starting Over

A new publication about the stories and ideas that make us resilient AF

Carley Centen
Star in Starting Over


Silhouette of woman stood on a hill in foreground with background of a sunrise over a lake.
I don’t always get up before sunrise. But when I do, it’s for moments like this. Photo: Carley Centen

I know how to start over. When I considered what I might write about and remembered the old adage to ‘write what you know,’ this is the first thing that popped into my head.

Some fresh starts have been my own decisions. It took me six years to finish my first degree because I changed programs — twice. I lived in three different countries in five years. More than once, I landed in cities of millions of people where I didn’t know a single person. On average, I changed jobs every year or two, tried on several different career paths, and worked in different sectors from bureaucratic government agencies to charities trying to balance doing good with balancing the books, to private sector start-ups.

Other now-what moments were forced upon me. Shortly after buying a house and finally feeling rooted, my partner of nearly eight years left. I was once again apartment hunting. Navigating the world of dating apps that hadn’t existed the last time I was seeking a partner. Questioning whether to stay in a country I moved to for love, or return to my home country to be closer to family.

Despite all of this change, I know I am happiest when I have roots. Community. Routine. Strong, deep relationships. The…



Carley Centen
Star in Starting Over

Exploring why we do what we do in love and work for those curious to understand more about themselves, others, and the world. More: