Intricate and In-Depth Analyses of The Zodiac Signs

Justina Trim
star language
Published in
20 min readJul 8, 2018

I love astrology in the deepest way possible. I am not a certified astrologer, but I have studied astrology for years, written down my own observations, and conducted research on this topic. Most of my first findings lend to the surface and stereo-typical analyses of the signs, which can be extremely frustrating and I suspect one of the main reasons why so many people dismiss astrology as having zero merit and relevance in human psychology. Mainstream astrology does not go deeper into the layers behind the variances in personality. I do not believe astrology is the sole answer to why people conduct themselves the way they do; our experiences, the people we have in our life, and the way we grow has the most impact on the way we evolve and present ourselves to the world. I do, however, believe that there is significant truth to astrology, because everything is energy, and so it would be remiss to think the grand sources of energy that the planets in the universe carry does not affect the way we perceive ourselves, others, and the world around us. I wanted to share some holistic in-depth interpretations of all the signs, and I tried to include both the positive and challenging traits — no one gets a pass. :) Additionally to your sun sign, refer to your moon sign, rising sign, and Venus sign, as those placements also have a huge impact on the way you project your energy into the universe. If you do not know those placements, you can find out all that information here.

Debunking myths and exploring intricate interpretations of the signs:

ARIES: Aries comes off as strong, defiant, fearless. They are the ultimate warrior; no one is as fearless as individuals who have many Aries placements in their charts. Being ruled by Mars, the planet of war and conflict, gives them a creative and powerful edge that permeates throughout their entire personality. However, they are truthfully very fragile and extremely sensitive. They radiate passion, fire, innovation and immense leadership qualities. They were literally born to lead, to be the first, as Aries is the first in the Zodiac line-up. They are fiery and impulsive, and these traits can manifest into strengths and challenges — especially when it flares up their impatience. Learning how to slow down every now and again and take their time can be a life-long challenge they have to succumb to. Aries is a cardinal sign, meaning they are starters and innovators. They can be a bit arrogant, but this is because they are deeply in tune with the qualities that make them exceptional at what they pour their energy into. They love to love, and are hopeless romantics in every facet of their being, but their guard is up from the very beginning of any situation because Aries learned at a very young age how to defend themselves from the predatory sources of the world; they learned if no one was going to do it for them, they had to take care and learn to protect themselves and others. They care deeply for humanity, and you will find many Aries as healers, teachers, and working in fields that require them to inspire people and channel their inner motivation. People tend to look at only water signs as healers, but the truth is that fire provides warmth, dedication, and transformation, and Aries push people to be better versions of themselves through their intuitive, responsive, and reactive nature. Even the introverted ones have a certain kind of intoxicating energy about them. If you want something done well, and if you want it done in a timely manner, just give it to an Aries. They don’t have time to wait on you to make mistakes, they have more exciting experiences waiting for them on the horizon.

TAURUS: Taurus is the most dependable sign out of the Zodiac, and this runs deep into their fundamental values. They do not say anything they do not mean, especially when it involves showing up for the people they love. If they have made a commitment, 9 times out of 10 they will honor it. This dependability though often leaves them sad and depressed, able to see through the wishy-washiness of the rest of the world. In a relationship, Taurus needs someone who will be there, because it is a guarantee they always will be. Their stubbornness and bull-headedness are known traits for Taurus, but what people fail to realize is that it takes a lot to set a Taurus off. They are actually more patient than is stereotypically thought of their sign — they can wait out situations for very long periods if they feel like it will end in their favor. The truth is, they have the most endurance out of the entire zodiac, and this assists them in reaching financial goals as well. When they do get angry, it is due to an outburst that they’ve held in for far too long, so one of their life lessons is learning to release their stress and emotions so they do not take up too much energy in their body. For an Earth sign, they are quite connected to other elements through their intuition and natural artistic abilities. Many Tauruses are gifted in the arts whether it be painting, dance, writing, or music. Even if it is not developed, there is some inclination present. They are grounded to their core and this grounded-ness allows them to channel levels of self-discipline that people can only dream of. They usually tend to be great cooks as well — their home is a place of solace and rest so they take a lot of care in cultivating a space that makes them very comfortable. Being ruled by Venus, they are intensely idealistic, and they value love, comfort, art, beauty, food, and the finer things in life. They are truly gems and are reminiscent of crystals that energy workers use for protection — a bright grounded calling to stabilize you in the universe.

GEMINI: Gemini gets a bad rap for being two-faced, but rather, they have just embraced all facets of their personality. Their moodiness comes from a subset of being an air sign and being able to see all sides and observations. Think of Gemini’s moods like the sensitivity of the air in the atmosphere, like a sunny day in the summer that suddenly becomes a thunderstorm due to the shifts in the environment and what is happening internally. They are one of the most clever signs out of the Zodiac, being ruled by the planet Mercury. Their intelligence can sometimes be a burden, as they will not tolerate intense relationships with people who are not interesting and willing to explore and expand. They are very much like Sagittarius in this regard, and this makes sense since they are sister signs. They love to wander and travel and take in new experiences — they have libraries in their mind and take stock of all the information they pick up in a variety of environments. Education is usually very important to them. One of their challenges is stabilizing their mind and mood; an under-developed Gemini can oscillate quite rapidly between their moods due to the chatter that is in their mind and this can lead to volatile reactions. In relationships, all Geminis want is someone who loves all sides of them, who appreciates their humor, wit, and their cleverness, and does not try to restrict their intelligence. This seems simple, but you would be surprised by how many people are turned off from Gemini’s natural intellect and ability to calculate any situation and extract a defined way to solve issues. They are highly informed about the world and you will hardly ever find a Gemini who doesn’t know a whole lot about a variety of topics — this is why they can tend to come off as scattered, but this is their brilliance piecing everything together. Their ability to create is magnificent and intrinsic — they are often skilled teachers as well. In relationships, they need someone who doesn’t attempt to quell all of their quirky qualities, and instead can learn to let them flourish naturally and grow. They are deeply layered, and they don’t come off initially as intimate, intense, and loving, but this is because their outer layer of wit, comedy, and sarcasm is often a test — if you can’t handle the playfulness of a Gemini, there is no need to show you the intricacies of their soul.

CANCER: Cancers are guided and ruled by the Moon and the tide of the ocean. This influence already marks a difference, as it is not ruled by a planet, but one of the most unique forces of energy in our solar system. The Moon shifts regularly — this is why they are so moody. They are even moodier than Geminis by this standard. They are deeply emotional and extremely intuitive. Because their moods and emotions can be so invigorating, intense, and volatile, Cancer seeks security more than anything else. In relationships, they want someone who can be unwavering, stable, and ready to protect them from any harm. Although make no mistake, Cancers are very capable of taking care of themselves. They are hard workers and can climb their way to the top of any ladder. One of the stereotypes associated with Cancers is that they are whiny cry-babies. This stereotype, in my experience, is more of a myth. Cancers show themselves to no one. On the surface, they appear fierce and unphased, but the truth is they prefer to cry and brood in private. This is why it is a big deal when those closest to them see them in a vulnerable position. Their highly-developed emotional sensitivity and intuition also allow them to be skilled at emotional manipulation. Under-developed Cancers use this skill daily, and one of their challenges is hindering themselves from using this enhanced ability to always shift situations in their favor. They have to learn that it is okay to not get everything they want all the time. They are known for playing the victim, and the under-developed ones also play that role exceptionally well. However, they are tougher than they are known for, and the irony of all of this is that they are one of the strongest signs out of the entire Zodiac. Cancers are also naturally gifted in the arts, like most water signs. They usually excel in music, dance, drawing, painting, writing, acting, or any form of art. They are also natural counselors and excellent listeners — they know so much more about the people in their life than they let on. They also tend to be magnificent cooks. They make fantastic parents and want nothing more than to create a beautiful family to pour their intensity and love into without fear or qualms of it disappearing into thin air.

LEO: Leos are ruled by the Sun; this already marks a difference because it is not ruled by a planet, but a star. The Sun is the center of this universe, so this is why a lot of Leos tend to come off this way and seek to be the center of attention. They usually come off as confident, self-assured, and extroverted, even the introverted ones. They all have a very bright and glowy aura about them — they’re used to getting noticed. However, many Leos are deeply private and insecure. They are sensitive to their core, and their idealism is so sweet and innocent, it definitely has a child-like quality to it, but it is saturated in profound wisdom. They truly see the best in everyone, and so when they are let down by their loved ones (and the world) tremendously and pedestals start crashing down, it can be devastating to their soul. They love people fully and openly, but are true loners at heart. This is because they are natural empaths, although this aspect of their personality is hardly discussed. The Lion is willing to defend at all costs, to be the leader, to take the fall, to be generous with their time, resources, words, money, and advice. But when the Sun goes down, and everyone is well-rested, who takes care of them? The stereotype with Leos is that they are selfish for their need of constant recognition and assurance, and this is partly true, and heightened even more so in under-developed Leos. If not careful, they can radiate self-absorption, naivety, and vanity. However, this stems from their natural ability to shine, to take charge and be pushed into leadership positions (even when they don’t want them), to work diligently, and to spread sunshine and make everyone around them feel warm. From a young age, people around them were already intimidated or jealous by this natural ability and attempted to dissipate them, quiet them forever, and immensely dim their light. These experiences influenced them to question their worth and the value they add to spaces and people. They must learn to not fear being the powerhouses they are — being powerful comes with loud critics, and this is the part that they have to learn to accept. They are naturally charismatic and magnetic, and their creativity is one of their greatest strengths. They channel their emotions by pouring them into a creative outlet that produces beautiful works of art — in an outfit and a variety of mediums.

VIRGO: Virgos are one of the hardest-working signs out of the Zodiac, sometimes even more so than Capricorns. They just do not get credit for it. This is the paradox of Virgo — they know they can do everything, but they will overanalyze anyway. Their mind is sharp and intellectual, and they are one of the smartest signs out of the Zodiac. This influence is automatic due to them also being ruled by Mercury, the planet of communication and mental energy. Their ability to see all the details, the fine print, the tiny substances that make everything whole will always be one of their biggest strengths. This enhanced skill and natural inclination allow them to master almost any project, career, or creative endeavor. But this strength can often be their biggest detriment. They can see all the microscopic intermediate details in everything, including themselves and their own self-image. They have to learn how to quiet their mind and fully live in the moment from time to time. They usually tend to be obsessed with perfection in at least one area of their life, but it is more realistically the areas of work, finances, and outer appearance. They are critical, and they can come off as dry and harsh to people who do not understand the intricate layers behind the way they analyze and interpret people, places, and situations. Their calculations are usually spot on, but it sometimes gets communicated in a manner that is not always seen as sensitive. Despite this, they are incredibly compassionate and do not hesitate to help and work tirelessly for a cause or the people they love. They are truly the sign of quiet servitude. They are also very romantic, and will do anything to make their partner feel pleased and satisfied — they often don’t get enough credit for this either, but this is because again, they are quiet about it. Virgos just don’t seek validation as feverishly as other signs do because they know one thing — they were probably right in the first place. They don’t need anyone else to confirm logical facts. They are the clear scientists of the Zodiac.

LIBRA: Libra is ruled by the planet of Venus, over-ruling love and beauty, and they do not disappoint in this aspect. They are naturally stylish, attractive, and charismatic to their core. Air signs are usually seen as detached and emotionally unavailable, and while this can still be true in some regard to Libras, they are actually one of the most love-sick signs in the Zodiac. Their idealism is intense, and they are known for creating fantasies in their head, much like Pisces. The way they love is so profound and all-consuming; it can often envelop them for long periods of time. Libra’s biggest life lesson is learning how to figure out who they are without a partner. Libras inherently love partnerships. They thrive with romantic relationships, friendships, collaborations, and group projects. They have an incredible and dynamic mirroring effect, and can often see through everyone’s facades because they can mirror them perfectly and pick up on the reason why the person had a facade in the first place. They are layered and intellectual, and success is instrumental to Libra. They are one of the few signs who have the follow-through to actualize their goals because their idealism is paired with practicality and objectivity — a triple threat. You will often find a lot of Libras in social justice work or any field that is dedicated to exonerating the helpless and those who deserve to be free. This is because they value balance, fairness, and justice more than any other sign in the Zodiac. They are also natural teachers, educators, and intrinsic artists. A negative stereotype associated with Libras is that they are “fake” and fake is a harsh word to describe their adaptability. They do tend to people-please because being well-liked is important to them. A shadow side of this is that they can inhibit their true desires by attempting to mold into other people’s expectations and projections, and if they stay on that particular path, they can lose their authenticity. Libras can clearly read any situation, person, or environment, and choose to project what is needed to elevate in the space. This makes their natural intuition about people uncanny, and they are usually right about how they feel about people within a couple of interactions, but they must learn to trust themselves before anyone else in order to soar to the heights that were already destined for them.

SCORPIO: Deep, dark, and intense, Scorpios are known as one of the most intriguing signs of the Zodiac. Ruled by Pluto (there are also influences of being ruled by Mars in traditional astrology), they represent birth, death, and transformation. Scorpio is a water sign so they are naturally emotional, but their type of water intuition is different. They are representatives of the bottom of the ocean floor, depths that we have not yet reached or understood. Remember, less than 5% of the ocean has actually been discovered. This explains all of the unknown that is central to Scorpio. They are incredibly difficult to read, and if you only look at their face and their body language to try to interpret how they are feeling, you will often come up with nothing. They mirror the ocean again in this capability, to be still and solid on the surface, but underneath deep currents are moving and transitioning and processing. This is their skill as being a fixed water sign which is a contradiction in itself — water usually flows easily, transparently, and instinctively. They are not talkers by default. They can engage in deep conversation with loved ones for hours, but they usually have to be pulled into it. They prefer to be on the outskirts, deeply analyzing and interpreting the environment they are in, and even the extroverted ones have this enhanced trait. They are like Virgos in this regard, and can pick up on the tiniest of details. The difference is that a Scorpio can pick up on everything that is shifting in a person, an environment, a situation, and say nothing. To them, words don’t prove the intent of the soul. Actions do. Actions, intimacy, and love prove everything, and this is what they are truly searching for. They have their guard up as well, because being natural guardians of the Underworld, their minds can go to the most extreme and dark places. But once you show your pain to a Scorpio, once you reveal your intricate layers, they will slowly show you theirs, and that is the biggest gift you can ever receive in this lifetime. They often have to learn to curb their jealousy and possessiveness, as this is very heightened in an under-developed Scorpio. Their magnetism is intoxicating and one of the most powerful out of the entire Zodiac.

SAGITTARIUS: A true unicorn and unique to this world. Sagittarius natives are fire signs, yet they have many “air-like” qualities about them. They are the most detached of the fire signs, because they have the most commitment to their own self-growth, exploration, and expanding their horizons. They are most themselves in a museum, on an airplane anticipating their next journey, or in a car on a road trip, soaking in all the cities they pass on the way. They are naturally philosophical and independent. Their independence comes from their need to explore the world; they are intrinsically aware that most people are not as fearless as they are to make homes in a variety of places. They understand that home isn’t necessarily a place, but a feeling, and that feeling is like a drug to them. They develop concrete analyses of the environments they have been exposed to, the things they have learned, and the people they have met. They too, have a library in their mind, much like their sister sign Gemini. They are truly starry-eyed and the most positive out of all the signs because they are ruled by Jupiter, the planet of expansion. They can’t help but believe there will be a better future for the world; it is in their soul to believe that, and a part of their life purpose to amplify that positivity. They are also known for their bluntness, and while many view this as a negative trait, and it definitely can be in an under-developed Sag, these folks are known for speaking the truth. People can appreciate their tenacity and willingness to say what needs to be said, but one of Sagittarius’s challenges is working on the delivery of their words and taking into account the emotions they may stir when those words land on people. They also enjoy love and exciting relationships, but they hate anyone restricting who they’re meant to be. So it’s not that they are afraid of commitment, per se, but they will distance themselves from people who want to cage them in and dissolve their natural inclination to immerse themselves in the opportunities of the world. In love, they want someone who will hold their hand and try new adventures with them without hindering them from expanding naturally — they are born to expand, it was never about you.

CAPRICORN: The Capricorn is the sign of the Goat, and GOAT can also stand for the Greatest Of All Time, and if you have ever met a Cap, then you know this to be true. They are destined for greatness due to their incredible work ethic and constant goal-setting. They are amazingly disciplined and once they have set their soul on something, it is almost a guarantee they will achieve it. It is no wonder they are ruled by Saturn, the planet of overcoming challenges and having the resolve to accomplish strenuous goals and dreams. However, under-developed Caps have huge egos, and learning how to calm it is an essential part of actualizing their visions. They are the most responsible out of the entire Zodiac, and this aspect is amplified even more so in Capricorn risings. They usually take on a responsible role in their family, even from a young age, and feel inclined to solve problems, fix situations, and mend issues. They can be a bit of a control freak, but that’s because anytime they chose to loosen up and let go, someone messed up the group project, or didn’t pay the bill on time, or was late on the assignment. It’s just that they don’t trust people to take responsibility the way they do, and they are right to believe that. Family is central to who they are, regardless of the relationships they have with their own. If they don’t have a great relationship with their parents or guardians, they seek to create their own family and are determined to give their children everything they did not receive growing up and more. They also consider close friends as family, and often pull them into their intimate family culture. The way they love is constant and ever-flowing — if they chose to be with you, know that it was not an impulsive decision, but something with layers of complex and analyzed thought. You see, Capricorns are natural leaders with the desire and ability to create an empire, but at the center and foundation of that empire will always be family and love. They need a place to come back to with vulnerability after the rough edges of the world have made them feel tired and defeated. Love is always the ultimate goal, whether they articulate that or not.

AQUARIUS: Aquarius is the most contradictory air sign within itself, as they are fixed, and air exists everywhere. But their ability to stabilize, to interrogate intensely, to view all of humanity from a stationary but yet expansive and objective view is one of the reasons why they are so brilliant. The stereotype of Aquarius is that they are different to their core, and that is true. But it’s not because they try to be different, they just knew from a young age that they are. They don’t have to fit in, they simply radiate their frequency to the universe, and people are naturally drawn to their charisma and their unique perspectives and standpoints. They are true humanitarians and often daydream about a world that values the experiences of all people. They know all too well what it is like to be thwarted and mistreated because of being different. This is why they have such an innate desire to help educate people about a variety of issues and bring them towards enlightenment. They can, however, become detached to the point you question if they even want to be present at all. It can be extremely puzzling if you are in a romantic relationship with an Aquarius because there are moments when they will be fully engaged, and there will be moments where you wonder where they have traveled to in their mind, and why they decided to disconnect their emotions. This is a part of their defense mechanisms — they know how intimidated people are by their uniqueness, and after a while they need to separate from the rest of the world to give their own soul some peace and sanity. They are like Leos in this way, and Aquarius and Leo are sister signs. There’s a part of themselves that will never belong to anyone besides themselves, whether they are in a committed relationship or not. They do have a superiority complex, and working through that is one of their life challenges. Aquarius is ruled by the planet Uranus (although there are influences of Saturn in traditional astrology), one of the strangest planets in our solar system. Uranus sits on its side and was discovered in a way that completely shook up the scientific community at the time. Aquarians are made to shake people’s consciousness and have them adopt multiple views to increase their compassion and expand the holistic view of the world we live in. They are change-makers in the truest sense — their limits do not stop at the sky like it does for everyone else.

PISCES: Ruled by the hazy planet Neptune (although there are influences of Jupiter in traditional astrology), extremely dreamy and artistic, Pisces are the old souls of the Zodiac. They are immensely intuitive and deeply talented — there are very few, if any, Pisces on this planet who do not have a natural inclination towards the arts. Their dreams are intense and heavy, and they can saturate a Pisces mind to the point that they wonder what is reality and what is a dream state. A trait that is often associated with them is their escapism habits, and how they can tend to be clueless about real-life situations, but their cluelessness is often a facade. Pisces are well aware of what is happening, but they do tend to escape when the version of the hologram we are living in seems way too harsh — getting out of this realm is a survival tactic for them. They are known for eradicating and dispersing from any space with a quickness if they feel like the environment is not serving them anymore. They are mystical beyond comprehension, and if you ever wrong a Pisces in a romantic relationship, they may not articulate just how much you hurt them. But one day you may come home to find their clothes and personal belongings completely eradicated from the space. You may question if they were even there in the first place. This may make them seem flighty, and this aspect can be heightened in an underdeveloped Pisces. At the end of the day, they are always going to be the most loyal to themselves. Is it a dream? Is it real? Pisces says it’s both. They have a tendency towards martyrdom and playing the victim as well, and one of their life purposes is understanding this and taking responsibility for what they can, and leaving the rest up to other people. They often know something is wrong before you articulate it, and this natural inclination has them battling between alerting the people in their life and assisting them, or allowing them to learn their own lessons. They understand the language of the universe exceptionally well, and their visions come readily, more so than any other sign in the Zodiac. They can see through the 4th wall, and often have psychic inclinations and strong senses of deja vu. Pisces are the mermaids of our Zodiac, you may have seen them, but it is possible that it was a figment of your imagination too.



Justina Trim
star language

lover, writer, truth-seeker. devoted to the culture of my ancestors. social justice advocate. intellectual. Caribbean roots, but Atlanta + Miami raised me.