Spoiler Free Review — Resistance Reborn

Shoshana Krishel
Star Wars Club @ UCSD
2 min readJan 25, 2021

Resistance Reborn takes place between Episodes 8 and 9. It follows the Rebels trying to rebuild after the devastating events of Episode 8. This book aims to fill in the gaps between the last two sequel films, which is honestly very needed.

We follow a large cast of characters (most of which we already know from the movies). I was most excited to follow Wedge Antilles as he is a character I’ve always thought that we don’t see enough of. I also enjoyed following Poe and hearing his inner thoughts. It was nice to get his perspective on the mutiny from Episode 8. Rey is more of a background character in this book which I was personally okay with. We see so much of Rey in the sequels that I thought it was refreshing to get a closer look at characters like Poe, Finn, Wedge, and even Leia. I haven’t read Bloodline or Aftermath, but I hear there are returning characters from those books.

I know a lot of people had an issue with the Resistance seeming much stronger than they should have in Episode 9. If you had an issue with that part of the movie, I would recommend reading this book to fill in the gaps of how the Resistance is able to rebuild.

My biggest issue with the book is that First Order is barely mentioned. I really wanted to know what Kylo Ren was doing in the gap between the movies. I personally love stories where we follow a villain and get their perspective and that’s what I was hoping for the most from this book so I was disappointed.

I gave this book 3/5 stars. I thought it was well written and it does a good job bridging Episode 8 and 9. It is worth a read if you are a fan of the sequels and want more content surrounding the sequels. If you don’t care much for the sequel trilogies or what happens to the characters I would recommend skipping this book.

