The Next Generation is the Best Iteration of Star Trek — You Can’t Change My Mind

Shoshana Krishel
Star Wars Club @ UCSD
2 min readApr 1, 2021

Don’t get me wrong, I love all forms of Star Trek, I wouldn’t be in this club otherwise. I have watched TOS, TNG, and Voyager many times over plus I’ve seen all the movies. However, The Next Generation will always hold a special place in my heart.

Captain Picard is easily my favorite Star Trek captain and that alone helps TNG’s case greatly. Picard is a great deal more level headed and clear thinking than Kirk. He doesn’t make the many mistakes that Janeway makes. And for some reason I’ve never had any love for Sisko. I also love the TNG crew more than the TOS or Voyager crew. I love watching the relationship between Jeordi and Data as Data discovers more of what it means to be human. I even like watching Wesley develop.

Furthering the case for TNG is how it brought Star Trek back into the mainstream with modern graphics and story lines. Many people loved TOS but thought of it as cheesy and dated. TNG paved the way for modern Star Trek.

TNG introduced us to some of the greatest alien races in Trek history such as the Borg and Q. In fact, I could probably write an entire article about how good both of those two races are.

TNG not only made a huge impact in the future of Star Trek, but also on the future of science fiction television.

For these reasons, TNG will always be my favorite iteration of Star Trek.

