What a ‘Captain Marvel’ Post-Credits Scene Says About the Philosophy of Marvel’s Anna Boden, Ryan Fleck & Genevra Robertson-Dworet


(Spoilers follow.)

Aside from making it commonplace in movies, the Marvel Cinematic Universe has made the post-credits scene have great interest. That is no different in “Captain Marvel,” where the Tesseract is revealed to be at-large in the universe. How that happened, though, was relatively unexpected: Captain Marvel’s cat coughs it up. Yes, as a cat coughs up a hairball.



Alysha V. Scarlett
Geeks Against the Far Right Evil Empire

Alysha's won 13 writing awards. Formerly of B/R, Screen Rant, Patch. Author, “Re-finding Yourself in the Age of Trump.” “Big-city cousin.” --rural, rival paper