StarBerry Twenty-Twenty Vision 🚀

Antti Hattara
3 min readApr 3, 2020


2020 started with a bang 🍾

Pocket Gamer Mobile Games Awards 2020 ceremony took place at the Café de Paris in London right after the PGC London conference in late January. We had the honor of being nominated in the Best Indie Developer category for an award. It was to our great pleasure and surprise that we actually won the award. Great way to start the year by celebrating the achieved recognition.

Display of things we appreciate: Great coffee and Accolades

It takes a team to build a dream 💭

We started planning growth during second half of 2019 as our first game, Idle Coffee Corp, provided financial stability for the company. It wasn’t until towards the end of the year that we found a match or actually quite a few matches who joined the company and will help us build bigger and better mobile entertainment. Going into the new year meant also that we’d want to kick-off our next game in addition to working with updates and improvements to Idle Coffee Corp. So doubling the headcount keeps us now on track with those plans and we are still looking for few more key talents to join us. If you know someone suitable, point them our way:

StarBerry Games in Berlin. From L-R: Antti Hattara, Svend Dutz, Jeremy Kool, Vittorio Truffarelli, Brice Vandemoortele, Samir Hadi, Wajdi Azar, Daniel Friedman and Sven Schmid. Missing from the picture Christian Henschel and Vincenzo Alampi.

Seed investment 🌱

We’ve enjoyed the support of our early backers along our journey. Again many thanks go to them for their help in reaching out and introducing investors to us who can guide us in building, growing and operating a startup company. Few discussions got kicked off at Slush conference in Helsinki, which then lead to us closing a Seed round investment of 1.1M€ for the company with byFounders and Play Ventures. Official story here:
That investment helps us plan 2020 and the future with more secured runway. Also we have now the backing of founder friendly VCs who provide valuable advise and support.

It was again the lasers, cold weather and meetings at Slush conference that resulted in an investment

Onwards and upwards 📈

We feel we’ve got what we need to make 2020 a special year for StarBerry. We’ve worked on our twenty-twenty vision and see clearly great opportunities emerging in the casual games market. Many recent interesting and trending mechanics provide us the starting point for exploration. We plan to create unique game experiences by crafting games that combine some of those mechanics with more familiar game design elements.
We are looking forward to continuing on that topic a bit later and also introducing our “game2” soon.

