7 Fantasy Inspired Writing Prompts to Make You a Better Writer

Fantasy-inspired writing prompts to help you break your writer's block and level up your craft.

Aigner Loren Wilson
At Home Pro Writers


Fantasy Writing Prompts by Aigner Loren Wilson article image. A background of green sparkles and overtop of it an image card with a set of hands. One is writing in a notebook while the other is holding a cup of coffee or tea. The words fantasy writing prompts is written inside of the card. Writing prompts. Fiction writing prompts. Get better at writing fantasy stories. Fantasy fiction writing prompts.
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In a previous article, I wrote on the use of prompts to help writers understand craft elements and level up their careers. A lot of writers got something out of those prompts and have had fun playing with them.

Since my bread and butter is speculative fiction, I wanted to do a series of articles surrounding prompts for different genres within the field. So, this article is for my fantasy fellows; the writers who create spellwork and monsters with the stroke of their keys.

How to Do These Prompts

Like I’ve previously stated, I hate writing prompts. Most of them are simple and basic prompts like write a story about a dragon. Like cool, but that doesn’t really help with understanding how to craft a story.

So, these prompts are going to go beyond the normal and ask you to challenge yourself. Take the…



Aigner Loren Wilson
At Home Pro Writers

Helping writers tell better stories and sell their work. Work in Better Humans| The Writer| The Writing Cooperative. Follow to level up your writing.